child psychology
 Children differ from adults not only growth, weight and life experience: kids and teenagers think differently, talk differently, or are living and otherwise respond to certain events than adults. Child psychology - a kind of psychology that studies the features of mental development of children. And knowledge of child psychology will always help better understand it.


Key Features

As a child, a person develops very quickly and intensively. For some five or six years a helpless infant turns into a person of character, habits, tastes, attitudes and interests. Further development continues at least roughly, gradually slowing down over the years. These changes and studying child psychology.

Of course, all children are different, but all of its development stages of certain live. For example, at the age of three months, the children are happy adults aged years prefer to play with toys, and at the age of three to four years to defend some form of independence. Psychologists identify patterns of development of children and find their explanation.

The child's mind is very plastic, so as a child to correct various violations is much easier than in the adult. Therefore, child psychology is closely related to pedagogy.


Young Science

Child psychology as a science emerged relatively recently - in the late XIX century. The first book is devoted to child psychology, he became the "Soul Child" Darwinist scientist Wilhelm Preyer. The author observed the development of his own son, giving sufficient attention to the child's mental characteristics. After the appearance of this book, child psychology began to develop, without losing, however, connection with other sciences, such as philosophy and pedagogy. Child psychology has two objectives: to understand the child and understand what influences the development of the child, in his adulthood.

Up to this point a little child psychology who were interested for several reasons. Modern parents, confident in the fact that children need love and pampering, it is difficult to imagine that once the children were treated very differently. Adjust the birth did not know how children born more than it is now, but early mortality was very high. The ratio of children were not serious and did not particularly care. Accordingly, and in particular child psychology no one delved: required to perform the requirements of the baby and adults are not too bothered them.


Child development

Modern psychologists are often human development as a chain of crises. Every crisis - is a kind of internal conflict experienced by man. Surviving the crisis, the child is ready to move to a new stage in its development. Critical periods were discovered empirically. First, talking about the crisis seven years later - on the crisis three years The crisis of three years: the first steps towards independence  The crisis of three years: the first steps towards independence
 . The next known age crisis - teenage thirteen years. The latest crisis has been opened a year and a crisis of the newborn.

The boundaries of these critical periods is very indistinct: to determine exactly when the child came into a difficult phase, as well as to predict when this phase is over, it is practically impossible. During crises with children is very difficult to communicate: they practically do not lend themselves to education, demonstrated obstinacy and conflict.


Crises early age

The first crisis, which has to face the crumbs - the crisis of the newborn. Obviously, the birth - a major change in the life of a newborn. And experts are increasingly thinking about what impact this event has on a child's life. The kid will learn how to lead an autonomous life, and autonomy must be not only physical but also psychological.

First sign of crisis psychologists believe weight loss after birth. A sign of the crisis is considered the child's ability to respond to adults. So important is the so-called "complex revitalization": at the sight of an adult baby is trying to smile, shows a motor stimulation, trying to use the screaming and other sounds to attract attention and communication.

The crisis of one year - is the transition from infancy to early age. This crisis is linked to the development of speech. The child already feels the need to tell others about their desires and feelings, but still can not sufficiently use speech to communicate. Manifest crisis affective flashes: the kids can scream, fight, fall on the floor and legs jerk. It appears autonomous, consisting of exclamations.

The crisis of one year often occurs almost imperceptibly, but sometimes it becomes a serious problem both for the child and for others. But as the child masters speech difficulties come to naught.


Crises of preschool age

The crisis of three years - probably the best known and studied of all age crises. This crisis is linked to the socialization of the child. Kid gets stubborn and domineering, he seeks to do everything the other way around and constantly rebelling. The child understands the difference between "want" and "must", he struggles for independence and seeks to assert its independence.

The task of parents - to meet the kid and give him an opportunity to make some decisions. The main area of ​​activity, where the child can "host" - a game. Let the child creates new rules and regulations, and the crisis gradually come to naught.

At seven years old preschooler is facing a crisis of self-regulation. The loss of the old norms of behavior and the acquisition of new ones can be quite complex. Child hamming and behaves abnormally, can be very annoying than adults, he argues and reacts with a delay, if not heard. As a result of the crisis lost childlike, the child becomes more closed, less clear - in fact, growing up.

Maria Bykov

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