- Constipation in infants - which affects the character of the chair
- Causes
Stool frequency in an infant is not constant, it varies widely. Constipation in infants is determined not only by the absence of long bowel, and based on the occurrence of co-morbid symptoms. The intestine of newborn is not functionally active because of their immaturity, so disturbances in motor function characteristic of this age period.
![Constipation in infants - which affects the character of the chair
The changing nature of the newborn baby chair
Parents should know that is not always the lack of daily stool is a clinical sign of constipation. During the first year there is a change in stool frequency:
- during the first three months of life stool frequency may be up to four times a day
- as the child grows the frequency of bowel movements is reduced and a child of one year up to two times a day
During the first six months of neonatal physiologically develops a tendency to constipation. This is most clearly when changing batteries when transferred to artificial feeding mixture. If the child is breast-fed, and he introduced solid foods, it may also cause the development of his constipation. With the introduction of complementary foods
The lure: a spoon first adult food
functional activity of bowel motor function normalized, the chair becomes a regular.
For stool consistency were determined, it is necessary that the child is kept water-drinking regime. When dehydration or insufficient intake of water stool becomes hard. Water is a prerequisite for easing the chair, so you can not forget to give the infant water. If a child receives an artificial mixture, it must be properly prepared. A mixture was prepared to meet the proportions of water and solids, their ratio can not be changed, as this can also affect the stool consistency.
![Constipation in infants - which affects the character of the chair
What signs indicate constipation
In infancy, children can not explain their concerns. In this regard, it is important that parents are treated carefully to the health of the child and pay attention to changes in behavior. In the absence of a regular bowel movement of a newborn appears anxiety. This is due to development of pain or abdominal colic. Against the background of such concern becomes irregular stool, a chair may not be available to a few days. For a newborn baby such a state can not be physiological, it is a clear sign of disturbances in motor function of the intestine.
Constipation is a sign of the presence of stool solid consistency that stands barely straining. Stool can be stained with blood. Blood comes out of the small abrasions or cracked skin and mucous membrane in the anus. The child is in pain, which is aggravated by the development of intestinal colic.
Parents should not start treatment on their own baby, to find out what was the cause of constipation should pediatrician. In some cases the reason may be the presence of a serious pathology (eg, constipation due to diseases of the thyroid gland). Establish the causes of constipation in the future determines the choice of treatment.
![Constipation in infants - which affects the character of the chair
What is recommended for the treatment of constipation in infancy
The problem of the treatment of constipation in infants is largely determined by the nature of the food my mother (assuming breastfeeding). If a mother breast-feeding a newborn and observes that a child has constipation, it should reconsider your diet. We need to eat foods that contain large amounts of fiber, fruits, vegetables, drink water. When breastfeeding
Breastfeeding: notes
Only the power to determine the character of the mother is the child's chair. It should limit the use of the following products:
- cheese
- confection
- pastry, bakery
- chocolate
- alcoholic drinks and coffee
It is not permissible to use immediately start laxatives to treat constipation in a newborn. This can be called an extreme measure. First, you need to try to normalize the chair by natural means, that is, nutrition, massage, physical activity and other methods. The safest method is to introduce into the rectum glycerine suppositories. Candles are introduced only after doctor's permission when he examined the child and give the necessary treatment recommendations. The network of pharmacies the drug can be bought on the open market without a prescription form, but it does not mean that they should be used on their own without consulting a specialist. Candles are simply inserted into the rectum, you will need a short time to hold the child's legs, the drug had time to be absorbed.
With regard to the enema, this method of bowel selected during prolonged constipation when other methods can not normalize the stool. There are special children's enema, whose use is safe for the baby. It is important to calculate the minimum amount of water, causing the chair, which is primarily determined by the child's age. If the indications for the purpose of laxatives, you should start with herbal remedies. Have a laxative effect greens, vegetables and fruits (prunes, spinach). There is a risk of addiction if the cause chair synthetic drugs.
An important point for the normal functioning of the intestines is physical activity. The child has to move (according to age), is actively crawling. A good effect is given massages while massage can not only be shared. At home, my mother can do short abdominal massage, massaging the abdomen in a clockwise direction with light circular movements. If the baby is lying on his stomach, then you can move his feet to be simulated cycling.
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