- Jaundice in newborns - the norm or a pathological condition
- Kinds
After the birth of a child can appear icteric staining of the skin and mucous membranes. This condition occurs almost every second case. This condition is a physiological characteristic of the child's body and does not require special therapeutic measures. Another approach is required if neonatal jaundice associated with pathological processes, such as rhesus.
![Jaundice in newborns - the norm or a pathological condition
Clinical manifestations of jaundice
The development of jaundice due to increased bilirubin enters the blood. This pigment is formed in the destruction of blood cells RBCs. When a large amount of bilirubin staining of the skin occurs. Jaundice is shown by the following clinical signs:
- yellow
What color is combined yellow: Armed and Fabulous
skin and mucous membranes. The color intensity depends on the level of bilirubin in the blood
- discoloration of urine and stool
- enlarged liver and spleen
By the nature of the clinical manifestations can be concluded that there is some kind of a newborn jaundice. If the physiological state of jaundice baby feels good. Health hazard arises during the development of the pathological nature of the changes.
Severe jaundice leads to a deterioration of general condition, appears lethargy, drowsiness, newborn baby does not eat. Bilirubin in large amounts into the tissue, so at the level of developing disorders of various body systems. The most vulnerable organ is the nervous system, its central departments. Effect of bilirubin can cause irreversible changes in the level of the brain, so you can not put off treatment. Newborn jaundice with pathological can not be discharged from a maternity hospital after the birth, he was transferred to an appropriate treatment in a specialized unit.
![Jaundice in newborns - the norm or a pathological condition
Jaundice due to rhesus
The development of pathologic jaundice may be due to hemolytic disease of the newborn when rhesus conflict. This is possible only on the condition that a pregnant woman has Rh-negative, and the developing fetus it is positive. In normal operation Uteroplacental barrier there is no contact of red blood cells into the bloodstream of the fetus the mother's body. If you can not avoid the development of complications and fruit antibody penetrated through the placenta, the mother's body, they are perceived as alien. It is this type of antibody is the reason for the development of the fetus jaundice.
Antibodies of the mother's body are the cause of the destruction of blood cells directly into the blood vessels of the fetus. As a result, an excessive amount of bilirubin formed. The child in utero developed hemolytic disease, which manifests itself not only jaundice, as well as changes to internal organs. Pathological processes in the liver, spleen, brain. With the progression of the disease develops generalized swelling of internal organs or fetal hydrops.
The last stage of the development of hemolytic disease is irreversible. The fetus dies in utero or are born very preterm with severe pathology of internal organs. The prognosis for life can be called in such a situation unfavorable. To prevent the development of a child's jaundice, pregnant should be monitored regularly by a doctor clinic, take the necessary tests in view of the duration of pregnancy. In due time carried out preventive treatment of Rhesus-conflict, injections of the drug to bind Rh antibodies (gamma globulin).
![Jaundice in newborns - the norm or a pathological condition
The need for the appointment of treatment for neonatal jaundice
If the newborn has a physiological form of jaundice, it does not require special treatment. Within a few days the symptoms disappear jaundice, skin become normal staining. Reliable means of prevention is breastfeeding
Breastfeeding: notes
. In early breastfeeding baby breast milk helps to neutralize the excess amount of bilirubin in the blood. There is a mild laxative effect, so that the bilirubin is displayed.
In excess bilirubin values above the permissible requires a course of therapy. Bilirubin effectively dissolves when exposed to light, so the child is placed under a special lamp. Appointed to ten phototherapy treatments, during the time of which can be traced to changes in the dynamics of the clinical picture. To avoid excessive accumulation of bilirubin in the blood, it should improve the detoxification function of the liver. All the processes of metabolism in the liver, so the functional state of the body depends on the dynamics of clinical manifestations of jaundice.
Binding of bilirubin in the digestive tract will facilitate the appointment of sorbents. The safest in terms of the impact on the health of the newborn is the use of activated carbon. To increase the positive effect the child do cleansing enemas. The choice of method of therapy is determined by the weight of the child. The first phase of treatment should only be carried out in a hospital in the future to continue the course of therapy can be at home under the supervision of a doctor pediatrician. Should evaluate the content of bilirubin in the blood level of growth or presence of stable values, which allows dynamic control therapy.
In cases of pathological neonatal jaundice is appointed to replace blood transfusions. The indication is carried out by the inefficiency of phototherapy and severe jaundice. With the development of severe anemia in the child and increasing the size of the liver and spleen will also be justified by carrying out blood transfusions. If jaundice is detected in a premature baby, it is recommended to perform a blood transfusion as soon as possible.
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