Signs prodigy
 All parents are proud of the successes and achievements of their sons and daughters, but most children are geniuses only in the eyes of a loving family. However, the possibility that it is your child belongs to a small caste of geeks, should not be excluded. How to recognize the talent of the child and develop his talent?

 Signs of Prodigy: miss genius

Good memory and curiosity

"In one ear to another - has taken off" - this is true of most children, but not about the child prodigy Prodigy: raising miracle baby  Prodigy: raising miracle baby
 . A child with a high IQ stores a variety of information and is able to reproduce it later. For example, one of six the boy returned from trips to the Space Museum and exactly reproduced the drawing of a rocket seen there. A gifted child is curious: since infancy, he lacks various items, feels and looks at them from all sides. Later, trying to comprehend what is this or that thing, how it works, it asks a lot of questions.

 Signs of Prodigy: miss genius

A wide range of interests

A gifted child is interested in the most diverse spheres of life, he had wide interests, which are constantly changing. Today, he is interested in dinosaurs and how did the universe, and tomorrow - the history and computers.

 Signs of Prodigy: miss genius

Early starts to read and write

If your child is gifted, he easily mastered reading and writing at an early age, often without the help of adults.

 Signs of Prodigy: miss genius

Musical or artistic talent

Children who demonstrate aptitude for music, painting or other art forms are also considered gifted. The ability to draw with perspective, to sing, not false, play musical instruments by ear, or the appearance of other talents - all of this can be attributed to the category of child prodigies.

 Signs of Prodigy: miss genius

Ability to concentrate

Rare baby can sit still for more than five minutes, and the child prodigy may hold a long time alone Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
 , Working on their projects and focus on what they are interested.

 Signs of Prodigy: miss genius

Empathy other people's problems

Gifted children are emotionally connected to the fate of the heroes of fairy tales heard. They arranged for independent thinking, showing originality and imagination.

 Signs of Prodigy: miss genius

A good vocabulary

If a child begins to speak early, it does not mean that he was a child prodigy, but if it is already two to three years, says a coherent sentence, and uses sophisticated words, he probably really gifted. For example, a normal child in two years says, pointing to the dog, "bow-wow" and a gifted kid can say, "I see a brown dog that sniffs the flowers in the flower bed."

 Signs of Prodigy: miss genius

Attention to detail

A gifted child pays attention to details, he did not miss a single detail. In early childhood, the child puts a toy in exactly the order in which he found them, and notice if something is out of place, as well as adults interested in how specifically arranged this or that thing.

 Signs of Prodigy: miss genius

Self-criticism and a tendency to introspection

In general, little children think about themselves and their actions, they are more interested in the world around us. Geeks, on the contrary, thinks first about himself, analyze his words and deeds.

 Signs of Prodigy: miss genius

Understanding complex concepts

Children with high intelligence are able to understand complex, including abstract concepts and relationships, they have developed a penchant for abstract thinking. They are able to understand the root cause of the problem and find an appropriate solution.

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