- Sleeping baby: the baby feel good
- Advice
Dream Baby: Tips
You addition to the family? Please accept our heartiest congratulations! Now, in your life the fun begins, and a great time - the time when a peaceful sleep will have to forget. The need for sleep is characterized by neonatal need for sleep older children. This article will help you understand the sleep mode, which is formed by your child, as well as coordinate your schedule in accordance with it.
Most read, listen and watch out for bad advice
All, without exception, has its own, of course, the only correct opinion about how to deal with problems sleeping newborn. Young and inexperienced parents danger is that these unwelcome (though data from the best intentions) tips may adversely affect your parenting skills and, as a consequence, the normal development of your baby ... if you do not meet them. The better you are knowledgeable about children's sleep, the less likely that others will cause you to question the decision.
Thoroughly sort out the facts and develop a detailed care plan, you can confidently respond to everyone who the best of intentions gives erroneous advice and tips that should be followed is exactly the opposite. So first of all you need to wise up and look into the situation! Determine what you should do and why. Read about the problem in books and magazines, visit the special classes in support groups - it will help you understand the nature of the problem and find the right solution.
Sleeping newborn: Biology
In the first months of life the child sleeps only when tired - no more, no less. Not in your power to put the baby to sleep when he does not want, or vice versa - you are unlikely to wake him up when fast asleep.
Newborn tiny tummy. However, it is growing by leaps and bounds, which contributes the least liquid food that babies are quickly digested. Yes, a good idea to put the toddler in the allotted time and not hear a sound from him until the next morning. However, when it comes to tiny babies, it is almost impossible. Newborns need to be fed every two to four hours - and sometimes more often.
Good night's sleep
Inexperienced parents often are in error, if babies sleep soundly through the night shortly after birth. However, the newborn "all night" is reduced to five hours. Many (but not all) of newborns can sleep peacefully between midnight and five o'clock in the morning (it does not mean that this is actually happening). Yes, it has little to do with your submission of the notorious "Die dream baby!"
Moreover, some babies sleeping soundly at night, suddenly beginning to wake up more often and often to restore healthy sleep they need a year or even two.
Falling asleep while breastfeeding or bottle
For newborn naturally fall asleep while breastfeeding, sucking on a bottle or pacifier. However, in this case, there is a danger that if the child is constantly falling asleep so he will begin to associate the dream with sucking movements, and eventually teach your baby to sleep without a pacifier will not be easy. This is probably one of the most pleasant associations with sleep, which can occur in children. However, a significant percentage of parents who are faced with the problem of placing older children have to struggle with this strong association.
So, if you want the baby to fall asleep without your help, it is important to ensure that a child sucking a pacifier to fall asleep, not in a dream. If possible, gently otymite him from the chest, take a bottle or pacifier, the baby fell asleep on their own. If you are doing it often enough, he will learn to fall asleep without nipples or breasts.
Night feeding
Many pediatricians recommend that parents be sure to wake the baby to feed every four hours, as most newborns wake up more often. But whatever it was, your child is required to wake up several times a night. The main thing - to learn how to determine when you need to feed the baby, and when a rock to sleep, so he went back to sleep.
Here's a secret that you absolutely need to know. In the dream, infants emit a variety of sounds, from pohryukivaniya to whine and loud screams. These sounds are not always portend the awakening baby. Even uttering the "sounds of sleep," your baby is fast asleep.
Learn to distinguish between "sounds of sleep" from "sounds of awakening." If the baby is awake and wants to eat, you need to hurry to feed him, and he peacefully asleep for a few hours. However, if the baby "speaks" to the outside - do not wake him!
Teach your kid to distinguish between day and night
As a rule, the newborn sleeps sixteen to eighteen hours a day, and this dream is often divided into six or even seven periods. You can help the kid to distinguish between night and day dream, that is, help him sleep longer at night.
Lay Day baby to sleep in a lighted room where he can hear what is happening around. At night, try to lay the baby in a dark room, which did not penetrate the other sounds, except for white noise (background lulling sounds). Teach the child to distinguish between day and night, you will also help the evening before going to bed bath and dressing up in pajamas - child gradually learns to perceive these actions as a prologue to sleep.
Signs of Fatigue
Learn to understand when the baby wants to sleep, and put him to bed as soon as you notice signs of fatigue. A child who is awake when his body needs sleep - an unhappy child. Over time this will lead to sleep disorders that complicate the formation of sleep. Learn to guess the desire of the child to sleep in a sure sign - it calms down, losing interest in toys around and starts to act up - and have to be a baby to sleep as soon as possible.
Take care of your own comfort
Do not doubt that the baby will wake you up periodically, so the pre-tune it. Above all, relax and do not worry because of the night feedings. Your constant displeasure and bad mood will not change anything. With each passing day the situation will improve. You do not have time to look back as your baby gets older - he will start to walk, talk, and bump into everything ... during the day and sleep peacefully through the night.
Maria Bykov
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