development of the child in two months
 After the first month of life, the child begins to develop even faster, because over the period of adaptation to adult, and is already quite accustomed to the new conditions. The child gradually improving digestion, stomach and swells less concerned about intestinal colic.

 The development of the child in two months - adaptation to the world

Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the two-month baby

In two months, the child begins to gradually adapt to the environment. The inevitable accidental contact with various infections leads to the production of specific antibodies, providing the child some acquired immunity. He even saved and maternal immunity obtained during fetal development in the form of antibodies to the infection migrated to her.

Because the central nervous system of a two-month baby is not yet ripe, it has a tendency to generalization (diffuse, general reactions) any disease processes, so any infection in children of this age can occur with convulsions, meningitis and meningoencephalitis. Normal body temperature in a child, as a rule, for 0, 3-0, 4˚ higher than in adults.

The weight of the baby is growing rapidly for the second month of life, he adds about 800 g, the growth increased by 3-5 cm. It is known that a child is born with an increased muscle tone. Muscle tone hands fades to 2-2, 5 months, tone the leg muscles remains.

Oral cavity child is relatively small, a large tongue, salivary glands have not earned at full capacity and produce enough saliva. Features of the structure of the mouth, cheeks and lips facilitate the child act of sucking, providing the best sealing of the oral cavity in a phase of more intense aspiration and squeezing the nipple.

In the stomach, two-child produced by various enzymes (pepsin, cathepsin, chymosin, lipase), is a free and bound hydrochloric acid. When human milk feeding healthy infants isolated gastric juice with the lowest acidity and activity of enzymes, but this is enough to digest milk. When artificial feeding allocated gastric juice with more acidity and a significant content of all enzymes.

In the intestine, also have enzymes (epersin, lipase, amylase, maltase, lactase, sucrase and enterokinase). Normal intestinal flora, promoting digestion, has not yet formed, and therefore the child may periodically disturbed intestinal colic due to abdominal distention Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?  Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?
 . This is especially the case with artificial feeding. A chair, a child may be from once a day up to 2-3 times. Some children who are breastfed Breastfeeding: notes  Breastfeeding: notes
 Chair is a day, and if the child is not worried, then there is nothing special, just a mother's milk is very well absorbed by the body of the child.

 The development of the child in two months - adaptation to the world

Psychomotor development of a child two months

At the age of two months, clearly reveals the capacity for visual and auditory concentration: Watching the baby moving and colorful items, turn the head to the voice of his mother, stops sucking, if he shows a bright toy.

A child at this age when every swaddling need some time to keep naked and lay on his tummy - so he learns to hold the head and strengthens the muscles of the neck. By this age, lying on his stomach, the child picks up a good head and lifts the breasts. Better head and keeps it in a vertical position when it is supported under the armpits - for 60-90 seconds. In this position, it can stand for a long time, resting on the legs.

By two months of crawling symptom disappear (natural reflex when the baby lying on his stomach begins to creep when the adult offered him his hand under the foot), are beginning to move freely handle. But Kernig often remains positive (inability to full extension of the lower extremity at the knee joint at a time when it is bent at the hip), indicating that the increased tone leg muscles.

Becoming more diverse emotional reactions of the child: he smiles not just so, and in response to the smile, the voice of the mother, tormoshenie. Creek also more emotional: the child cries when something displeased, for example, it is wet, or he does not like bright light, loud noise. The sound it makes are also becoming more defined, begin to resemble Gulen.

Movement acquire some expediency, as the baby may have to hold all the items by hand. The child had less sleep 18-19 hours a day and most of the time awake.

 The development of the child in two months - adaptation to the world

Babysitting two months and breastfeeding

A child needs the correct mode of the day and every day stay in the open air at least three hours. Three hours should not be used in succession, it is better to bear a child on the street several times a day for short periods of time. Ideally, he would sleep in the open air. Bathe the child daily with soap and water - once a week.

Feeding - only breast milk or infant formula in a two-day child should eat the amount equal to 1/6 of the weight of his body. The total amount allocated to 6 feedings at intervals of 3, 5 hour and six-hour night break. But breastfeeding is still going on-demand.

Galina Romanenko

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