- Vaccination of children - the success of public health
- How is
Vaccine-known infectious diseases is an important medical advance, as an opportunity to avoid the development of pandemics or epidemics, which were previously fatal. Vaccination of children is a mandatory procedure to be carried out by the developed immunization schedule. Vaccinated child is protected from a specific disease agent, helped by artificially created immunity.
Why should you vaccinate a child
The immune system provides reliable defense against pathogens. A newborn baby in the first month of life protective antibodies come from the mother's milk, but this kind of protection can not be considered long-term. At the time of vaccination in the child's body entered the causative agent (a weakened or killed pathogen), in response, the immune system begins to produce protective antibodies. This is the basis of formation of artificial immunity during vaccination.
That the child has been vaccinated properly taking into account his age, it was designed by vaccination calendar. Allowed to vaccinate children only on the basis of this special schedule in specialized hospitals (there are special vaccination rooms). The plan includes vaccinations vaccinations against the most basic of dangerous infectious diseases. Vaccinated and on the basis of the presence of unfavorable epidemiological situation, for example, can be vaccinated against influenza and prevent the disease during the growing season for the disease.
Vaccination is the reliable protection of the body due to the artificially created immunity, but it's not the only benefit of vaccination. By creating a vaccine it is possible to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in epidemic proportions. You can list more than one infectious disease that was eradicated in the world after the introduction of vaccines in public health practice.
What should be the preparation prior to vaccination
For a child the vaccine is a very important procedure, so it should be prepared. First of all it concerns the health of the child. You can not vaccinate if the child is not healthy, simple, he has obvious signs of colds (cough, runny nose, sneezing and other symptoms). Body temperature should be normal, it should recognize that children under one year are often marked the presence of subfebrile temperature, which is not a pathological condition.
Some experts recommend giving children allergy medications a few days before the appointed date vaccinations. This requirement is not mandatory, it only applies to children who are predisposed to the development of allergic diseases. If the child does not have data on the presence of an allergic disease, but the reaction was observed with the introduction of complementary foods
The lure: a spoon first adult food
, It should be required to give an antihistamine as a prophylactic.
On the day of the child's vaccination pediatrician examines and decides whether or not a contraindication to its implementation. Parents need help in this matter the doctor and report any abnormal symptoms that have appeared in recent years. Particularly noteworthy are the children with chronic diseases. They are also vaccinated, but after a comprehensive examination, if no threats to the health of the child.
What should pay attention to the doctor
In many cases it is possible to avoid various adverse reactions, or adverse effects of vaccination, if the parents are in a conversation with your doctor before vaccination to pay attention to certain points. The physician must be reported that during the last few days, the child was transferred to the lure or in his diet have new products. Breastfeeding mother should also not use the new products to enable to understand the cause of allergic reactions in case of its occurrence.
You should not be vaccinated if the family had just returned from a long trip. Changing climate could adversely affect the health of vaccination, especially for visiting exotic countries. Not recommended as removal of the child immediately after the procedure, take time to the child's body recovered after vaccination.
Parents should tell the doctor about how the child endured previous vaccinations if the vaccination was carried out earlier. About vaccination tolerability can be judged by the following symptoms:
- presence of temperature reaction
- deterioration of the general state of health, appearance of lethargy, drowsiness, change in appetite
- the emergence of severe local reaction at the injection site
Any negative manifestations need to talk, especially if there is a pronounced change in the type of anaphylactic reaction (sudden appearance of dyspnea, severe pallor, sweating). If the doctor is aware of the presence of this kind of complications, he will be able to assess the degree of risk for the upcoming vaccinations, preventive measures to designate or cancel the procedure.
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