boy or girl
 The ability to program the sex of the child - the old dream of mankind. There are many and complex techniques to take that promise that women necessarily be a boy or a girl, but guarantees can not give one. Today, as thousands of years ago, only nature controls, children born more of the floor.


How does this happen

For conceiving you must merge the egg with the sperm. Sperm cells are of two types: media's X-chromosome and a Y-chromosome carriers. If the egg is fertilized carrier's X-chromosome, it will be a girl conceived when the sperm will have time before the carrier Y-chromosome, the embryo will be male. Thus, the child's sex depends on the man, even though consciously potential father can not manage their own sperm.

The sperm with a Y-chromosome are moving faster than the media's X-chromosome. Therefore, if the intercourse takes place before ovulation, increases the likelihood of conceiving a girl (slow sperm get to the egg just in time), and if intimacy happens during ovulation, or immediately after it, the more chances to conceive a boy, since the sperm with a Y-chromosome have time before .

On average, a hundred girls are born one hundred and five boys. Conception occurs more boys, but male embryos are less resistant to various factors, and such pregnancies often end in miscarriage.


Historical background

Boy - is the future warrior and protector. Giving birth to a boy, the parents not only continued his race and kept his name, but also provides a tranquil, secure old age. There was always the hope that the boy will grow over time and lead to the family of his wife, who would work for the good of the clan tirelessly.

The birth of girls, usually perceived without much joy. Sooner or later, the girls had to leave the family to the family of her husband. Accordingly, parents are no longer able to hope that their daughter, they somehow help in old age - it was assumed that it would work for her husband and his family. Moreover, in most cultures, the girl also instructed to provide the dowry, or the chance that it will be able to marry, was very small.

Not surprisingly, the birth of girls in many countries did not have any happy occasion. Some Asian nations and to this day is considered quite acceptable to terminate the pregnancy because the girl is expected.

Welcomed the birth of the girls except the Amazon. From the male babies of these warriors without regret shedding and continuer of the girls did their traditions.


The modern view

 boy or girl
 Nowadays the situation has changed dramatically. Women had the opportunity to study, to work and to give birth to as many children as they want. Modern women may well survive without a husband, and if you are married, it is not to provide in-law. Dowry out of fashion. Adult daughters caring for parents, no less, and often more than the sons. Thus, the birth of a girl, it would seem, should be for parents more desirable than the birth of a boy.

Nevertheless, to this day, many parents continue to dream still a boy, especially when it comes to the firstborn. Why is this happening, there is no single answer. A role played by tradition (especially in nations where women have historically considered if there is no second-rate, but still not quite a full-fledged member of society). Many want their child a better life and it is believed that the boy will live easier than girls. Many men are somehow believe that the birth of a boy - proof of their temperament and courage. Finally, many are convinced that the eldest child to be a boy who will always be able to protect younger sisters.

Many people are embarrassed to admit that the dream of a child of a particular sex, but still secretly hoping that they have a boy. In this case, the birth of a girl could be perceived negatively. Well, if parents can love your child for who he is, otherwise, a girl whose parents wanted a son, in the future it may be a lot of psychological problems.

Perhaps the desire to have a baby of a particular sex may be justified only if the child's parents suffer some genetic diseases that can be transmitted only to boys, or vice versa, only girls. There are many such diseases, the most famous example - hemophilia who develop only male children.


Who can bring?

In many cultures there was a belief that certain behaviors during pregnancy can lead to the birth of a child of the desired sex. But science has proven that the child's sex is determined at its conception Conception - as the emerging life  Conception - as the emerging life
 And later can not be changed, no matter what lifestyle or led the expectant mother.

Modern diagnostic methods enable fast, safe and painless to determine the sex of the child How to determine the sex of the child: myths and facts  How to determine the sex of the child: myths and facts
 . Previously, the child's sex was determined by circumstantial evidence. How well could thus establish the truth, the question, of course, debatable. However, before the advent of ultrasound diagnosis of many generations is focused on signs.

Thus, the child's sex was determined by the shape of a pregnant belly. Belly "cucumber", that is extended forward and oval heralded the birth of a boy. Abdomen rounded, noticeable even from the back, the parents promised birth of a daughter.

It is believed that women, pregnant boys look good and are characterized by an enviable appetite. At the same time waiting for girls become fractious expectant mothers, they deteriorate complexion. Previously, even I thought that the girls "take away the beauty of the mother."

In anticipation pregnant boys prefer meat, cheese and other protein foods, choose salty and sour dishes. If, however, to be born a girl, the expectant mother prefers fruits and sweets.

Maria Bykov

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