Bullies at school were at all times, but in recent years has become more and more often heard in conversations of parents and teachers, and another term - "terrorist school". Tricks of the terrorists - not just childish pranks and serious misconduct that could cause serious harm to other children and even teachers. What to do if the student is terrorizing others?
Who are the terrorists School
Ideal obedient children are only in methodological manuals for teachers: life like extremely rare. Of course, the reason is not the malevolent nature of the younger generation, especially psychology. Children and teenagers are impulsive, they are not experienced enough to calculate all the consequences of their actions, they have still not developed the ability to control his actions and ideas about ethics and morality are often not formed. Teenagers are also very afraid to show too young, often pushing them to the very strange things, which, in their opinion, evidence of maturity.
Disobedience - it's completely normal. It's hard to find a child who has never in his life did not break the glass, not an adult naderzil not skipped a single lesson and not participated in any fighting. Moreover, in every school there are several so-called "problem" children - the bullies, who was walking, fighting and rough senior regularly. Although these children are regularly abused, and their parents so regularly called to the school principal, few believed such bullies really serious problem.
Sometimes, however, different. At some point it becomes clear that the bully keeps at bay the whole school, in some cases, were afraid of him, even those who are older and stronger. It is not always possible to accurately observe at what point this becomes a terrorist school authorities not only on classmates, but also on the whole school. From the situation it may seem absurd: is not the most physically strong boy (much less - a girl) intimidates much more powerful children. Sometimes the child gets his manipulation or blackmail. Sometimes attracts over those who are physically stronger and they have, in turn, intimidate other. Sometimes the child is using the authority of their parents or older friends. Be that as it may, one student (and sometimes even a group of his followers) is starting to be afraid of the whole school, including teachers.
What to do
Ideally, of course, get rid of the terrorists, that is, to secure his transfer to another institution. But practice shows that this is possible only if the parents are "problem" child would agree to such a move. And this is very rare: it inveterate bullies usually live not in affluent families. And the family can be financially very wealthy, but some elements of the trouble it certainly present: violence, addiction, neglect of a child or an attempt to "buy off" from him money and gifts.
First, the child is desperately trying to get love from their loved ones. But eventually he despairs of finding love
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and decides to get respect. What easier way to achieve respect? For a teenager it is obvious: to make everyone afraid of himself.
How to deal with the terrorist school? Do not leave it unattended misconduct. If a child knows that his actions will be adequately punished, then maybe he will look for some other way to assert themselves. The penalty can be the most stringent: parents should insist that the search for school bullies were connected law enforcement agencies, even if the teaching staff of the school wants to "hush up" the incident. If some bullies, the most important thing - to punish the leader of this group.
In some cases, help and activities with the school psychologist. A particularly effective family therapy can be, but unfortunately, the parents of these children are rarely willing to cooperate with the school and change their own behavior: they prefer to change their baby, while they themselves are not willing to work on the relationship.
Experienced teachers can help the victims of the school of terror, to persuade them not to give up, do not give up, fight back. Victims of terror in most cases a psychologist is needed much more than the bully: it is necessary to model the behavior of victimization was not fixed, otherwise the children will continue to be chosen as a target for the attacks of aggressive-minded individuals.
Victims of school-terrorism
In any conflict involving the two, in this case: the bully and his victim. Of course, this does not mean that the victim is to blame that was attacked. But parents whose child has been the victim (albeit one of many) bully, you should think what you need to teach your child that this situation is not repeated in the future.
Even adults do not always know how to respond to aggression, so it worth waiting for, that the teenager will be able to act in such a situation, right? So do not blame the child that he was a victim. Instead, you should support him and instill confidence
How to gain confidence in themselves?
. It is worth a story about his own experience with bullies meeting (unless, of course, such an experience - and experience useful - there).
Perhaps the child is prone to provoke aggression? In this case, it is possible that a meeting with hooligans coming to him in the future. It is best to work with a psychologist to help her son or daughter to abandon the provocative behaviors.
If the child victim is full of plans for revenge and set no less aggressive than a bully, a psychologist, too, does not hurt. It is necessary to teach the child to take advantage of the fact that at some point he was weaker than the bully, and not focusing on the past, in the future to behave correctly. It may be useful to think of certain patterns of behavior, how to act the next time in case of aggression.
Maria Bykov
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