Russian New Year's menu
 New Year - one of the most beloved and long-awaited holiday. Meet him in different countries in different ways: everywhere there are traditions and superstitions in the coming year promising happiness and good luck. Tradition may be associated with the venue of the New Year, and guests dresses, and even with the holiday table. For example, New Year's menu in Russian should be varied, hearty and rich.


Favorite holiday

 Russian New Year's menu
 New Year - the most favorite holiday in the vast majority of Russians. But it was not always so: in the old days in Russia, as in many other countries, much more magnificent marked the onset of Christmas than New Year. After the October Revolution, when the celebration of Christmas has been canceled, the main winter holidays are automatically considered as the New Year began. This state of affairs continued after the collapse of the Soviet Union, moreover, that religious holidays celebrated in Russia on the Julian calendar, which means that the New Year comes before Christmas.

New Year in Russia is considered to be a family holiday, which celebrate the best in the family. Of course, this is not necessary: ​​many go to celebrate the New Year in a club or restaurant, someone leaves the company in the country, and some even went to the warm countries. Still, most holiday is celebrated at home for the dinner table.

New Year's table should burst with food: the more different dishes on it, the richer and more carefree life will be in the coming year. In times of shortages hostess began preparing for the holiday months, buying rare and delicious foods. And if you buy delicacies was impossible, that offers simple, but varied and beautifully decorated dishes.

Today, when even the most exquisite delicacies no surprise, the priorities have changed. Now serves New Year's table should be a rare, expensive and delicious, but also original, unusual, unconventional. This concerns not only the composition of foods (it is often quite traditional), but their decoration.


Russian snacks

 Russian New Year's menu
 The richness of Russian snack table at all times struck the imagination of foreigners. Many varieties of saltwater fish and eggs, jelly and jelly, salads and homemade pickles - snacks in the Russian style so diverse that they are endless. Unfortunately, time brings about changes, and many simple snacks like Russian caviar firmly moved into the category of delicacies are available to very few people. At the same time the table was enriched snack sausages, ham, pate and smoked, which diversify the menu.

It is inconceivable without Russian salad snack table. Most traditional salads for the New Year - "Olivier", "Mimosa" and herring "under a fur coat." Salad on the table should be plenty for all tastes: with meat, mushrooms, fish, fresh vegetables. As a rule, they are served in a large salad bowl rather than in batches.

 Russian New Year's menu
 To give a flavor of Russian New Year's table should cook more meals, without neglecting any salads or homemade pickles and marinades, or a filling. Always be on the relevant Russian snack table sauerkraut and pickles, salted fish (salmon suit as a luxury, and much more democratic herring) and caviar, salads, canned vegetables and jelly Aspic. Royal dainties  Aspic. Royal dainties
 Marinated mushrooms and small cakes Patties. Hospitable dish  Patties. Hospitable dish
   with a variety of savory fillings, stuffed eggs and vegetable platter.

These snacks have a pronounced spicy taste and a perfect match with the national Russian drink - vodka. However, the Russian snack food so well blended with other beverages, including alcohol-free.

Since the New Year celebrations in the Russian tradition takes place during Advent on the table must be present snacks, made with only plant products. It can be various dishes from mushrooms, vegetables, cereals.



 Russian New Year's menu
 Russian New Year's tasting snacks, do not forget that there is still hot. In the role of the main dishes are usually the foods cooked in the oven - stuffed suckling pig; goose with apples; duck with buckwheat; chicken, fried until crisp; rack of pork ribs; chops under a layer of mayonnaise and cheese (so-called "meat in French"); roast with mushrooms; Fish rolls or in kind. Less familiar, but they are not less coveted hot dishes to celebrate the New Year in Russian - wild game such as rabbit stew or fried quail. A truly Russian taste of wild mushrooms give the dish.

As a side dish often serve baked potatoes, mashed potatoes or rice. Sometimes baked side dish with meat or fish, sometimes prepared separately. Often, hot meals are served salads, though it is unusual for Russian cuisine.

To observe fasting usually offer hot dishes, vegetables and mushrooms. For example, it can be stuffed with potatoes or mushroom risotto.


Drinks and desserts

Although the Russian national drink is vodka, in the New Year to drink champagne. A bottle of sparkling wine is opened under the chiming clock and all the guests glasses slid to the wishes of happiness in the coming year.

From soft drinks to the table is usually served juices and fruit drinks. But it is possible to emphasize the national character of the feast, inviting guests to enjoy sbiten or stewed fruit. An excellent choice would be dry and fortified wines and mead Mead: I was there, honey-beer drinking  Mead: I was there, honey-beer drinking
   - Flavored drink with a low alcohol content.

From all variety of desserts Russian cuisine to celebrate the New Year is better to choose the easiest dishes: fruit salads, compotes, jellies, baked apples stuffed. Often in Russia for the festive New Year's table is served with fruit and ice cream or chocolate.

Maria Bykov

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