Chinese cabbage, also called salad - vegetable crop comes from China. Today, this type of cabbage is grown not only in China but also in Japan, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other European countries. Chinese cabbage can be of several types: cabbage, polukochannaya and sheet.
Chinese cabbage is 98% water and contains a number of such necessary for the life of the human body vitamins, such as vitamins K, C, A, B6, B1, B2, B9. Also in this species cabbage contain calcium, potassium, phosphorous, iron, copper and manganese, a rare nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), lysine and dietary fiber. Particularly high content of vitamins and minerals are different parts of the white solid, for this reason they should not be cut and throw away, they must be used.
Thus, you can safely call this kind of cabbage storehouse of vitamins and minerals. A distinctive feature of Chinese cabbage that vitamins contained in it, well to storage throughout the winter. The secret to a long preservation is to keep a large amount of carotene and citric acid, which is kind of natural preservatives. With its unique biochemical composition of Chinese cabbage is an indispensable product in the diet of man.
Methods of preparation
Chinese cabbage is quite popular in cooking, it is used not only fresh, but also pickled, stewed, salted. In each country, it prefer to cook in different ways. For example, in Russia and European countries, Chinese cabbage is added to vegetable salads
Vegetable salads: the generous gift of nature
with tomato, pepper, cucumber or carrot. In Asian cooking cabbage is traditionally served with sweet and sour or spicy sauces.
The combination of delicate flavors and classic lettuce cabbage makes it popular among gourmets. Unlike cabbage, napa when heated does not produce a sharp specific smell. Therefore, this kind of cabbage is ideal for hot dishes. Of Chinese cabbage do not just salad and borscht, cabbage rolls, some kinds of soups and many other dishes.
Since Chinese cabbage is resistant to diseases and pests, with its growing agronomists rarely use harmful chemicals. This product is suitable supporters of healthy eating and organic vegetables.
The lack of such an important amino acid lysine in the body leading to fatigue, lack of appetite and irritability. The cabbage Lysine is found in large amounts, the amino acid has beneficial effects on improving immunity, promotes renewal of blood and successfully fights off viruses. Vitamin B9, is contained in cabbage, improves brain function and memory. Chinese cabbage is recommended to use in diabetes
, Headaches, as the prevention of atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis - when problems with blood vessels
and cardiovascular diseases.
Lettuce cabbage contain fiber, which is good for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is useful to have this vegetable, and for the prevention of anemia, cancer. Widely known this kind of cabbage bought and diet, as it has a low calorie content - only sixteen calories per hundred grams of the product, and the green leaves are high in nutrients and fiber. Chinese cabbage perfectly absorbs oil and sauces when filling salad, so the dietary is best to eat it in its pure form, or calorie dishes will be much more willing to sixteen hundred kilocalories per gram.
In addition to the use of Chinese cabbage and can cause harm. It is not recommended to use this vegetable for people with high acidity of gastric juice. If pancreatitis, colitis, enterocolitis, and during the exacerbation of any disease of the gastrointestinal tract use of Chinese cabbage can be harmful. Despite the ability of the lettuce remove toxins and heavy metals from the body during the pathological diarrhea have this product is contraindicated, so it is best to abandon the Chinese cabbage salads to full recovery.
It must be remembered that this vegetable does not fit well with sauces based on milk: a salad can cause stomach upset. In general, a healthy body cabbage will not cause any harm if you do not abuse it.
Storage of Chinese cabbage
Since cabbage almost entirely composed of water, the loss of moisture begins to fade quickly, so it needs to be stored at high humidity of about 95% and a temperature of not less than three to four degrees. It is worth remembering that the absolute humidity begins the process of vegetable defeat fungal diseases.
Before you remove the Chinese cabbage for long storage, it is important to inspect the cabbage. They should be rigid, resilient, intact parasites and fungi. It is best stored cabbage late varieties, collected in October, but until strong frosts. Otherwise, the cabbage begins to deteriorate after a few days.
Use of Chinese cabbage in folk medicine
Due to its healing properties, cabbage became known in folk medicine. It is used in the treatment of asthma, cough, mastitis and scabies. Chinese cabbage helps with sleep disorders, acne, inflammation of the eyelids. But it is worth remembering that before you engage in self, you should consult with your doctor.
In autumn and winter, when the human body needs vitamins and minerals, cabbage become an indispensable product on the table. Especially as fresh cabbage and useful in our time can be purchased in any market or supermarket at reasonable prices.
Maria Bykov
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