 In the modern sense Julien (Julien) - hot appetizer baked in a sauce of mushrooms, seafood or chicken. It is simple, in general, in the preparation of food - a real decoration is not only a holiday, but also the everyday table. It is tasty and juicy, and the main thing - to cook it, you can use a variety of ingredients.


History courses

 What is Julien? Translation of the word is not too informative: Julienne in French means "July". This name is due to the fact that in July in France traditionally begins the sale of young vegetables. Soups and salads, these vegetables cut into very thin strips. Over time, this became known as the July cuts. Julien began to call salads made from fine vegetable straws, and if vegetables are added to the soup, the dish has received the name "soup julienne".

As for hot snacks from baked in sour cream or cream sauce under a layer of cheese mushrooms, chicken or, for example, shrimp, something like a dish, too, was invented in France. Only it was not called "julienne" and "Kokot". Special metal or ceramic molds in the form of a miniature pan-scoop for the preparation of this dish, and today called cocotte.

Why there was such confusion, and where did the hot snacks from baked in a sauce of mushrooms, a new name? Historians have put forward a surprise version of cooking: a dish was invented by Russian restaurateurs. Indeed, the origin of the Russian snacks and indicate the main components of the classic recipes (mushroom and sour cream), and characteristic of Russian cuisine culinary techniques (to thicken the sauce with flour) and even the method of cooking (baking). Moreover, Julienne recipe can be found in many of the old Russian cookbooks, just to name a much more modest - "Mushrooms in sour cream."

In all likelihood, in the XIX century, when the fashion was all French, restaurant owners have noticed that the public prefers to order dishes with foreign-sounding names. Perhaps julienne mushrooms began to call for the reason that they are cut into thin slices, or maybe someone just enjoyed the beautiful sound of foreign words. But the fact remains that in Russia called "julienne" began to understand the baked mushroom sauce. Over time, other recipes julienne Thus, instead of mushrooms chefs began to use pieces of chicken or boiled tongue, ham or seafood. It remains unchanged only the principle of preparation: baking products in the thick sauce in portion bowl.


Preparation Julienne

 Julien is not for nothing is loved by housewives. Firstly, the dish is cooked simply, without requiring constant control. Secondly, it turns out delicious and appetizing. Third, to prepare the dishes need a minimum of food, you can even put to use slices of ham or vegetables, which is not enough to prepare, for example, a full salad. Fourth, the formulation can be changed at discretion, depending on what is available ingredients. For example, you can prepare a festive-julienne cuts, which will include different pieces of meat, mushrooms and vegetables. And you can do more than simple classic recipe.

The main secret of tasty julienne is that all the ingredients of this dish is cut into small pieces, and ideally - thin strips. Raw foods do not put into julienne: to cook a meal fast, basic ingredients you need to prepare in advance.

The most traditional ingredients - mushrooms - you need to fry onions. Chicken meat should be boiled, but you can also use pieces of fried, baked or stewed chicken without the skin. Language and other by-products are also boiled. Seafood blanch in boiling water for a few minutes. Only the smoked ham, and if they are used for cooking, it is possible not to pre-heat treatment.

Onions and carrots desirable lightly fry in a little oil until transparent. You can also use celery Celery: vegetable with obvious advantages  Celery: vegetable with obvious advantages
   or parsley, leek and even tomatoes. Potatoes in julienne not put: it is too softens the taste of food and increase its calorie content.



 The next step is the preparation of the sauce. Traditionally used bechamel sauce or cream sauce. Which option prefer depends on what will julienne. Spicy sour cream acidity in perfect harmony with the taste of mushrooms, chicken meat can be baked in a creamy béchamel sauce on the basis of, and are suitable for both types of seafood sauce. In any case, it is necessary to focus on your taste. The sauce is prepared on the basis of flour, it must be thick and tender. If the time for preparation of dishes is small, instead of a specially brewed sauce, you can use the usual sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
   - Preferably fatty, thick.

As soon as the sauce is ready, it is still hot mixed with other ingredients, and the dishes are laid out in portion - cocottes. The volume of these mini-kastryulek baking - about one hundred milliliters. Such amount julienne enough to enjoy the taste, but do not get enough: this is important when you consider that for a snack Low calorie snacks  Low calorie snacks
   followed by soup, main course and dessert.

Top julienne usually sprinkled with grated cheese. It is advisable to take a low-melting varieties with a delicate taste, which does not interrupt the taste of mushrooms. If you want to cheese crust was not stringy, and crispy, the cheese can be mixed with a small amount of breadcrumbs.

Julienne baked in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes. Serves as a hot appetizer, garnished with green leaves.

Maria Bykov

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