• 10-forgotten secrets of beauty - all in the details
  • Stealth

 beauty secrets
 How to lose weight how to make up, what hairstyle to do - know it, more or less, all the women. But when the number on the scale is starting to look like a compliment Compliments  Compliments
 , Favorite jeans again sit perfectly and looks in the mirror quite a well-groomed face, often turns out that something is still lacking. It turns out that thin waist and cool hairstyle do not give this self-confidence, and even more - happiness. And it turns out that there are people objectively less beautiful than you, but - attractive to the point that it is difficult to refrain from jealousy. What is wrong with you? Or - that just because they?

 10-forgotten secrets of beauty - all in the details

Work with your perception

The reality is formed by our perception of it. Two people have two different ways of perception, and all things being equal, they will be quite different and interpret the world around themselves. Seeing the rain outside the window, sighed heavily and you start to complain about the weather? Or happy to listen to the patter of rain on the roofs and windowsills, go out and substitute face drops of water? Likewise, different can perceive themselves. You probably have seen people that literally illuminate everything around them, people charged energy draw. Remember how they looked. As a rule, such people do not differ astonishing beauty, but even if it is not, appearance is secondary to the impression which they produce. The main thing - their attitude.

How much time do you spend makeup and styling in the morning? 20 minutes? Try to give at least another 5-10 minutes trying to tell yourself that - an exceptional man, you incredibly attractive, interesting themselves and others. Treat it as seriously as a make-up, and better - even worse. Usually people do not perceive the way we want, and how we actually perceive ourselves. You will be truly beautiful only when you have absolute confidence in their own beauty.

 10-forgotten secrets of beauty - all in the details

Spend more time with people who love you for who you are

Many women spend a lot of forces out to look and behave like someone else to seem someone else. As a result, there is the risk of being surrounded by people who love this your mask, but is unlikely to fall in love with you without it. Worst of all, if these people will be your husband and friends. Lose yourself among their own masks - the worst thing that can happen to a person, no such benefits are worth it. To avoid this, be sure to communicate with those next to someone you do not need to "keep face" with whom you can have some fun with all the heart, and talk about everything. If you have people in your business life you can successfully be anything, any way you will look natural and beautiful.

 10-forgotten secrets of beauty - all in the details

Do not compare

Women can spend a lot of time comparing yourself to someone else. Modern media have to this very busy - it is very difficult to turn away from their proposed standards of beauty, success, intelligence, and so on. At the same time, each of the six billion people on the planet is absolutely unique in all - this applies even identical twins. Therefore pointless to waste time looking at the pages of glossy magazines and wondering how to make yourself look like a particular celebrity. In the world there is only one Michelle Pfeiffer and you, too - only one.

You think you have thick legs? Compared to whom? Or your eyes is not enough blue hue? Where is the standard against which you compare the blue of his eyes? Treat yourself as a unique creation, review your eyes, feet, hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 And realize a simple but stunning fact - there is no other such anywhere, in any corner of this planet. Beauty - is unique, not a product line production.

 10-forgotten secrets of beauty - all in the details

Engage in body, mind and soul

  • The importance of proper nutrition for beauty can not be overstated. Fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes and grains should be the foundation of your diet. Neglecting proper nutrition Proper nutrition: I stopped eating at night  Proper nutrition: I stopped eating at night
 Is transformed into a real beauty is almost impossible - everything that you eat, sooner or later will affect your appearance.
  • Exercise regularly - even if it will be your need. As you know, many sports can replace drugs but no medicine can not replace the sport. Physical activity - the only way to maintain a good figure and maintain a state of cheerfulness.
  • Find an excuse to laugh and laugh heartily. Laughter not only extend life, but also acts as a few minutes of intense exercise for the press.
  • Read every day to educate themselves, find time for hobbies.
  • Meditate. The practice of deep relaxation and immersion in itself helps to gradually change the perception, improve the ability to concentrate.
  • Do not hesitate to express their feelings - especially positive. Most tell your loved ones you love them, others praise, smiles at them. Not only that decorates the human as the ability to elicit a smile.
Read more Stealth

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