• Abdominoplasty - Operating method for removing excess fat
  • Survey Technician

 Abdominoplasty - a surgical procedure in which the stomach is removed with the excess fat and skin that may appear as a result of pregnancy, obesity, and age-related changes. At full abdominoplasty at the same time pull together and seal the muscles and connective tissues of the abdomen, which over time can stretch and weaken.

During a partial abdominoplasty only remove excess subcutaneous fat and skin. It is widely believed that during abdominoplasty the navel is displaced, but really it's not always the case. Typically, the skin around the navel is removed, the remaining pull on the stomach, and there, just above the navel, make a hole, the edges of which is then sutured close to the navel, which remains in its original location. In some cases, the stomach, actually transferred. Sometimes during the operation can be resized several navel.

Abdominoplasty do both women and men, and, regardless of gender, is not an easy operation. Before you decide on it is necessary to understand all the related risks and to know what care you will need after surgery.



Abdominoplasty can benefit all who have problems such as excess fat, sagging, stretched skin and weakened abdominal muscles. The main reasons for these changes are age, pregnancy and obesity.

Sometimes, as a result of pregnancy weight gain or rectus abdominis, which are vertically arranged on both sides of the center of the abdomen, are stretched - a condition called diastasis. If connecting the muscle fascia is stretched very much, it loses its elasticity, and the rectus abdominis are farther apart than they should be OK. The muscles themselves thus also become less elastic. To cope with this, you can, have to lay down excess connective tissue and sew the resulting pleated fabric.

Some people simply remove the excess fat (liposuction) and skin. For some patients, it is quite effective endoscopic abdominoplasty. Which type of surgery is optimal for each patient is decided during the preliminary examination and consultation with a doctor.


Is your tummy tuck

First, candidates for abdominoplasty must be generally healthy. They must be active diseases and serious illnesses in history. In addition, it is important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the operation. Prior consultation with the surgeon will help the patient understand what to expect from the abdominoplasty, and to adequately assess the cost of the next - not just financial, but also temporal, physical and psychological.

Emotional stability is very important for candidates for abdominoplasty. This operation takes patience and consistency to cope with the difficulties recovery period, and during this period the majority of patients is difficult. Well known among surgeons problem is postoperative depression Depression  Depression
 Which may have especially serious consequences in patients who had emotional problems before the operation. In no case should not underestimate the seriousness of the problem, making a decision about whether or not to do abdominoplasty.

The ideal candidate for abdominoplasty is very elastic skin - or, at least, sufficiently elastic to such an operation is generally made sense.

Women are encouraged to do abdominoplasty only if they do not plan to have children, or following pregnancy can nullify all the results of the operation.

If you decide to lose weight, you should wait with the operation, before you reach the desired weight. If you pass abdominoplasty too early and then lose more weight than you had planned, you may need additional surgery for a tummy tuck.


Seams and hems

Scars remaining after abdominoplasty, can be quite long and unaesthetic. Their length and width of it will depend on how much of the skin have to be removed during the operation of the body's ability to recovery from abdominoplasty technique used, and the skill of the surgeon.

Surgeons try to apply the technique of abdominoplasty, which uses incisions as small as possible, and that leave scars on the skin areas that are completely closed standard swimsuit. However, in some cases it is necessary to make large incisions, for reasons which the surgeon can not control. As a rule, this is necessary for patients who have a very large amount of excess fat and skin. In such cases, patients previously reported that after surgery on the stomach remain very visible scars.

Read more Survey Technician

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