 Acne skin Skin rash: mayday  Skin rash: mayday
   face is often the result of hormonal changes that occur in adolescence and young adulthood. Therefore, only topical treatment is not likely to help, you need to completely change the way of life. In severe acne are sometimes appointed by hormonal correction.


Why do I get acne

Acne - a pustules on the face, the upper half of the chest and back. The cause of acne is most often are hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders: causes and the most frequent disease  Hormonal disorders: causes and the most frequent disease
   - It increases the blood levels of male sex hormones androgens. Elevated levels of androgens in the blood and is in boys and girls.

Under the influence of androgens, change their sebaceous glands. It is beginning to secrete sebum changes in chemical composition. Sebum can be:

  • very thick, but its volume is not too higher than normal; in this case thick sebum on the skin surface is mixed with dust and dirt, and form a dense plug, closing output from the sebaceous glands; outside the tube looks like a black dot (comedo); inside a sealed sebaceous gland begins to multiply infection that causes an infectious-inflammatory process - formed acne; thick viscous sebum leads to the development of severe, long-flowing and difficult to treat acne;
  • liquid, but very plentiful; In this case, acne is also developing, but does not have such a heavy and persistent flow.

In addition, acne can appear in adult people against some endocrine disorders accompanied by low immunity, such as diabetes mellitus.


As shown

The course of acne can be mild, moderate and severe. For mild acne pustules on the skin of the unit, then they pass, then they reappear. On the general state of mind and this teen acne it is usually not reflected. Such a rash can be overcome by using external means.

At current average gravity on the face, chest and back may occasionally appear a large number of acne. These rashes sometimes accompanied by a rise in temperature, headache, and general malaise. To cure a rash Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
   Only external means will not succeed.

In severe acne on the skin appear deep ulcers, often merging together to form a vast purulent lesions. The skin rashes after such scars remain. Always suffering overall teen: on the background of extensive lesions of the skin temperature may rise to high numbers, there are signs of intoxication. Sometimes the condition is so common suffering that the teenager is hospitalized. Often, acne complicated by boils, abscess formation, inflammation of the lymph vessels and lymph nodes.



Mild forms of the disease are treated by means of external funds. The face several times a day rub the lotion for oily skin. In addition, using special lotions or solutions for wiping the skin with an antiseptic (e.g., salicyl alcohol). In places where acne can be applied antiseptic ointment, for example, ointment baneotsin. If a lot of sebum, the ointment can be used instead of powder baneotsin.

At the same time need to change the nature of power - it will lead to the improvement of metabolic and hormonal normalization. In the daily diet of a teenager suffering from acne should be a sufficient number of proteins, including animal (meat, fish, dairy products - are built immune cells that protect the body from infection), carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals - without them will power to sustain the body), and fats (all metabolic processes take place with the participation of fat). From the diet will need to eliminate the sharp, salty, smoked food, fatty meat and sweets - all this will worsen the skin condition. To improve the metabolism appointed as vitamins and minerals.

In addition, for proper metabolism also needed moderate exercise: sedentary lifestyle at all metabolic processes are slowed down, and at too high physical exertion difficult to restore the immune system - proteins are not on the structure of immune cells, and to cover the fast metabolism.

At moderate and severe course of prescribed antibiotics for acne. Alone they can not accept - only on prescription. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can lead to goiter, an even greater reduction in immunity and disease recurrence.

When acne should immediately consult a doctor, dermatologist and carefully carry out all of his appointment.

Galina Romanenko

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