bath salt
 Bath with fragrant salt is recommended to take after a hard day's work or just before bedtime - it promotes deep relaxation, so that the next day you will feel truly relaxed. So every good to have bath salt in reserve just in case.


How useful bath salt

Bath salts, which are made from natural ingredients, contain a variety of minerals that soften and smooth the skin. Among the useful substances contained in the salts bath - magnesium, potassium, calcium, bromine and certainly sodium. These minerals improve skin texture, improve its tone and give it a healthy and fresh color. In addition, magnesium helps to relieve stress and fatigue, calcium and potassium help skin cells retain moisture, bromine beneficial effect on tired muscles, and sodium stabilizes lymph flow in the skin. Thus, the bath salt is useful not only for beauty; it has a beneficial effect on general health.

Another advantage of bath salts is that it helps to remove toxins from the skin. The warm water pores open, allowing the minerals to penetrate deeply into the skin and deep clean it. Regular use of bath salts contributes to a noticeable rejuvenation of the skin Five tips for skin rejuvenation: how to cheat age  Five tips for skin rejuvenation: how to cheat age

Some bath salts (in particular - the salt from the Dead Sea) is significantly relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis and tendinitis. In addition, bath salts can help people suffering from pruritus, insomnia, and psoriasis. Finally, they just help to relax, forget about the problems, and to cheer up How to cheer up: a few simple tips  How to cheer up: a few simple tips


How to use salt for bath

First of all, you need to choose bath salt with a suitable aroma - it should not be too strong and sharp, but the main thing that you liked him. Pour a few tablespoons of salt in a small gauze bag on a rope. If you do not have a bag, you can just pour salt into the center of a large piece of cheesecloth, folded in two or three times, and then connect it to the corners together and tie them to a cord or a thin strip of tissue. Instead, you can use any gauze cotton or linen cloth. A bag of this fabric should be pierced in several places with a needle to get a small hole through which the inside can penetrate the water fast enough.

Fill the bathtub with water and throw in a bag of salt water. The salt will gradually dissolve, and you can climb between the bath. When you're finished water treatment, rinse and dry the bag salt. Of course, the salt can simply fill in the bath, but it often contains small pebbles and other particles which do not dissolve in water, and may eventually clog the plumbing.


How to make bath salts with their own hands

To prepare the bath salt, you need common salt (great big sea salt, it can be mixed with Epsom salt), essential oil (or more oils) and, optionally, a liquid dye for soap and a bit of baking soda - it is perfectly It softens the skin. In addition, you will need clean glass jars with lids, which can store bath salts.

The following recipe - rough, it is quite possible to change - for example, to use instead of ordinary salt Epsom salt, or to add a bit more essential oils. However, the oil should not be abused, otherwise salt slipnetsya in clumps.


  • 3 cups of Epsom salt;
  • 2 cups of sea salt;
  • 14 g of essential oil.

If desired, add one cup of baking soda. In addition, you can use dendritic salt - it makes the fragrance of essential oils more stable and prevents the formation of lumps. However, it can not buy in each store, and the salt bath can be prepared without it, so the list of basic ingredients not. If you have at hand is the dendritic salt, mix one cup of salt with essential oil.

Pour the dry ingredients to your bath salts in a large bowl and slowly pour in to essential oil, stirring constantly salt. If you use dendritic salt, mix it with sea salt and Epsom salt. That's it - bath salt ready, now you can pour in a pre-prepared jars.

However, if you want to color the salt, have a little more work .  Set aside part of your bath salts in a separate dish, add a few drops of liquid colorant for soap, and carefully stir .  Add the colorant little by little, stir, and then, if it is not necessary, add more .  The less dye is in the salt bath, the better .  When the salt will get the color you want, start to fill the bank .  Most often tinted salt sprinkled layers: a layer of white salt, then colored layer, another layer of white, and so on .  It looks very nice and clear jars with colored bath salts often function as a decorative element in the bathroom .  You can also pour a layer of colored salt, one layer - white, another layer of color (or vice versa), and then shake the jar, and a little salt mix with a fork: so you get a spiral pattern form .  Finally, you can do multi-colored bath salts, using any number of dyes .  Incidentally, the banks own cooked salt bath can be a great gift - a creative, beautiful, and, moreover, corresponds to the principle of "the best gift - a gift made with his own hands" .

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