Beauty skin
 Nothing can stop the clock, but to preserve the beauty of the skin possible, and it does not necessarily resort to expensive cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. The beauty of the skin should be maintained on a daily basis - carrying out simple recommendations, you can achieve much better results than using the services cosmetology and plastic surgery. Begin to stick to the rules of skin care should be even before visible signs of aging appear, but better late than never.


Use sunscreen and antioxidants

Apply sunscreen Sunscreen: summer trends  Sunscreen: summer trends
   on the skin before they leave home, it is as important as brushing your teeth twice a day. Use this cream in the winter you need in the summer, in sunny and cloudy weather, 365 days a year. Currently sunscreen - the best way to prevent premature aging and skin cancer. However, a sunscreen is not enough. Recent studies have shown that the application of antioxidants to the skin improves sunscreens. Therefore, the most effective are sunscreens, which contain antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, green tea extract, pomegranate or orange.


Wear sunglasses

The less you schurites in sunny weather, the later you will have wrinkles around the eyes. In addition, sunglasses reduce the likelihood of developing cataracts. Wear them on a sunny day in the summer, and in winter - snow reflects the sun's rays, almost twice as enhancing the effect of light on the eye.


Gently exfoliate your skin

Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, smooth out fine wrinkles, improve the texture and tone of skin. However, it is important not to overdo it. Experts say that the abuse of such exfoliating agents, alpha-hydroxy acids make the skin more sensitive to UV light. Wear peeling with alpha hydroxy acids no more than twice a week, or use them instead of scrubs.


"Feeds" the skin

Food for skin beauty starts from within. Stick varied, balanced diet. Omega-3, which are contained in salmon and walnuts, moisturize the skin and prevent wrinkles and stop the inflammation. Citrus fruits and spinach stimulate collagen. Lycopene, which is found in tomatoes and pink grapefruit, protects the skin from damage due to exposure to sunlight. What should I avoid? Simple carbohydrates. Elevated blood sugar triggers a process called glycation - it is one of the major causes of cellular aging and wrinkling.


Reduce your stress level

This is easier said than done, but you need to deal with stress - over time, its consequences affect not only the skin, but also the health of the internal organs. It is found that chronic stress accelerates the destruction of the cells and slows their recovery, which can lead to premature wrinkling and other signs of aging. Take yoga, breathing exercises, meditate, and if necessary contact a psychologist.


Clean skin before bedtime

Never go to bed, do not clean the skin of makeup and various contaminants that accumulate in the pores throughout the day. At night, the cell is actively updated, it rejuvenates the skin - but only if she can breathe properly; a layer of makeup greatly limits the access of oxygen to the skin.


Use night creams with additional properties

Simple moisturizing night cream - it's good, but often it is not enough. An excellent choice is night creams with retinoids. These substances restore skin cells damaged by UV rays, eliminate dark spots, stimulate the exfoliation of dead skin cells and collagen, as well as treat acne and acne Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
   - All this happens while you are asleep.


Take care not only about the person

Facials should not break below the jaw line. The delicate skin of the neck and chest is recommended to clean and moisturize the same cosmetics that you use for face.


Eliminate dark spots

Wrinkles - are not the only signs that betray our age; dark spots Brown spots: whether they can be removed completely?  Brown spots: whether they can be removed completely?
   Still visibly old woman. If you already have appeared such stains, use creams with retinoids, soya extract, licorice extract and kojic acid. These substances are well lighten the skin, and gradually make dark spots less noticeable. You can also see your doctor and ask him to write you a hydroquinone - a potent substance that is used to remove age spots.


Sleep on your back

Often, dermatologists can determine which side the patient usually sleeps, just paying attention to which side to face her deepest wrinkles. To wrinkle was less, try to sleep on your back.


Drink water and green tea

Water nourishes the skin cells with moisture, eliminates toxins and helps to slow down the aging process. In addition, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the whole body, so be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Green tea is rich in polyphenols, which stimulates the regeneration of the skin and provide it with protection against the harmful effects of external factors.

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