dumplings with strawberries
 Among the many dishes that can be prepared from sweet berries, occupy a special place dumplings with strawberries. Recipe of dumplings Vareniki. Do the world something tasty?  Vareniki. Do the world something tasty?
   simple, and at a certain skill every woman will be able to please your loved ones this fragrant and delicious dish. Dumplings can be served as the main course, or as a dessert after a hearty lunch easy.

 Dumplings with strawberries: summer supper recipe

The secret of delicious dumplings

 dumplings with strawberries
 Dumplings - a unique cakes Patties. Hospitable dish  Patties. Hospitable dish
   boiled dough which are present in many national kitchens. Prepare dumplings with different fillings: meat, fish, cheese, potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, cereal, various fruits and berries. Everyone is familiar with potato dumplings with cottage cheese and cherry, but few are aware that as a filling can be used and fragrant strawberries.

The secret of delicious dumplings - in the correct preparation of the dough. The outer shell of dough should be thin enough to boil rapidly, and at the same time sufficiently flexible and robust to not break and keep the flavor of strawberry. To easily sculpt dumplings, stuffing should not be too liquid, so powdered with sugar strawberries to add potato or corn starch.

Dough dumplings contains no yeast or other disintegrants - only flour, egg and water. However, to obtain a soft, comfortable in the elastic dough is very important to the technology of preparation. So, you can not add to the flour cold water - the dough will be fragile. Use hot water (not boiling), which will give the elasticity of the dough. First with water, salt and eggs should mix a small amount of flour, then add the rest. The resulting dough is desirable to use at once - it is best to roll it into a ball, put in a bag and let stand for thirty - forty minutes. During this time, the dough will get more elasticity and softness.

If desired, the test can add a spoonful of vegetable or melted butter - this will make it more tender. But the sugar in the dough for the dumplings to add should not be, it will make product is very fragile. Sugar is added to the stuffing and used for sprinkling cooked dumplings.

 Dumplings with strawberries: summer supper recipe

Fragrant dumplings

 dumplings with strawberries
 To prepare the test should take two-thirds cup of water, one egg, half a teaspoon of salt and about three cups of flour. Salt mixed with flour, add the egg, pour hot water and knead a soft dough. Give the dough stand for at least half an hour, then roll out on a floured silicone mat or table to a thickness of half a millimeter, cut glass or specially adapted for cooking dumplings mug.

In the middle of the circle of dough need to put the stuffing, fold the circle in half and zaschepit edge. When all the dumplings are ready, boil them in boiling water for three to five minutes after surfacing. To the table dumplings served with sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
 , Melted butter or strawberry puree.

To prepare the stuffing should take a pound of fresh strawberries thick, cut into its pieces, and pour the sugar and starch. Sahara should take a quarter cup, starch - a tablespoon. You can do otherwise: Do not cook stuffing in advance, and each dumpling put a strawberry, a little sugar and a little starch. Also it can be used for filling the whole strawberries, roll in sugar - in this case the starch is not needed. Another option toppings - sun-dried strawberries. They are quite sweet by themselves, and sugar are added to them is not necessary.

Dumplings with strawberries can be cooked immediately after cooking, and can be frozen, gently laying on trays in the freezer. Frozen dumplings can be stored for a long time to cook the dish loved by even in winter.

Maria Bykov

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