• Face masks - the path to health and perfection
  • Proven recipes
  • Whitening
  • For healthy skin
  • For oily skin
  • Traditional recipes
  • Rejuvenation
  • Natural
  • Refreshing
  • Effective
  • Kinds

 facials popular recipes

Face masks: folk recipes Health and Beauty

On the market there are many types of face masks. Many of them can be prepared individually. This will save time and money. Moreover, these masks are maximally safe and useful. They cleanse, nourish, moisturize and tighten the skin, do not contain preservatives and other artificial substances.

  • Apple mask. It is used for oily skin and acne. Grate a medium-sized apple. Mix five tablespoons of honey. Apply on the face, wash off after ten minutes.
  • The mask of cucumber and yogurt. Suitable for normal to oily skin. Half of cucumber mixed in a blender with a tablespoon of yogurt. Apply the resulting mass to the face. After half an hour rinse.
  • Honey mask for oily and inflamed skin. Med mask must be slightly warmed and mixed with a small amount of abrasive, for example, ground barley.
  • Carrot mask. Two or three large carrots, boil and mash into a puree. Cool. Add four and a half tablespoons of honey. Apply to your face, wash off after ten minutes.


Firming Mask

  • Beat one tablespoon of honey, one egg white, one teaspoon of glycerin and flour so that you can form a paste (about a quarter cup). Apply to face and neck. Leave on for ten minutes. Rinse with warm water.
  • Mash a ripe banana. Add honey to get the consistency of sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
 . This mask can be applied not only in skin, but also to the hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 . It has a strong tightening effect. It is known that many aging movie stars put it in the bra cup to improve the shape of breasts.
  • Cleaning mask. Ingredients: a tablespoon of brewer's yeast powder Brewer's yeast: Myths and Reality  Brewer's yeast: Myths and Reality
 Half a tablespoon of yogurt, a teaspoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of orange juice, a teaspoon of carrot juice, a teaspoon of olive oil. Mix the ingredients into a paste, apply on face and leave for fifteen minutes. This mask is suitable for all skin types. It refreshes and evens out the complexion. Yogurt cleans the skin, fruit juices enriched with vitamins and minerals. If the skin is very dry, add oil, and if very fat - do not add oil.


Masks for oily skin

  • Squeeze the juice of half a lemon, mix with one beaten egg white. Apply on the face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on your face overnight or fifteen minutes - on request. Rinse with warm water.
  • Make a creamy paste of oatmeal and water. Apply to face, let it dry completely. Gently roll your fingers. Rinse face.
  • Mix egg yolk, a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of olive oil and half a cup of oatmeal. Apply to your face. After fifteen or twenty minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Mix a glass of oatmeal with three tablespoons of low-fat milk. Grind tomatoes in a blender and add to the mix. Apply the mixture to your face. An hour later, rinse with warm water.
  • Boil lemon leaves. Add half a cup of oatmeal, three tablespoons of wheat germ, half a cup of mashed strawberries. Apply on face. An hour later, rinse with warm water.


Masks for dry skin

  • Mash a ripe peach, mix with enough warm olive, peach or almond oil to produce a paste. Apply on face for fifteen minutes. Rinse with warm water.
  • Mash a ripe apricot. Add a little warm vegetable oil. Apply to clean face and neck. After ten or fifteen minutes to wash off.


Masks for normal skin

  • Lettuce - the best home remedies to care for normal skin. Dip two large lettuce leaves in olive oil. Drip on them with lemon juice. Place the leaves on both sides of the face, and then cover with a paper towel dipped in mineral water. Wipe the face with a cotton swab dipped in warm milk, then rinse with warm boiled water.
  • Make puree mixed in equal proportions, strawberries, papaya, peach. Add a teaspoon of honey and oatmeal. Apply the mask for ten minutes. Rinse with warm water. Fruit acids remove dead skin cells, oatmeal calm her. Mask gives the skin a healthy, glowing appearance.
Read more Rejuvenation

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