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 masks for facial rejuvenation

Masks for face rejuvenation: recipes and practical advice

Before applying the mask the face and neck need to prepare. Be sure to remove makeup, remove hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   face, remove jewelry. Soak a small towel, warm it in the microwave. Boil water in a deep and wide pot brew chamomile, peppermint or green tea. Take a steam bath for the face: a few times at five-second hold face over the steam. Wipe the face with a wet towel steamed.

The skin should be clean. It should be neither cosmetic nor cream or dirt accumulated during the day. For maximum effect, you need to open the pores. To make this procedure less traumatic, just use the steam bath. We can not too much closer to the hot water, and too long to breathe over the steam. For sensitive skin it can cause not only pain of minor burns, but also the formation of spider veins.

In the manufacture of masks is not recommended to use metal utensils: possible oxidation reaction. In contact with aluminum utensils possible heavy metal poisoning. The safest - ceramic, glass and wooden masks posuda.Samodelnye not always come thick and can drain a person's clothes, so when applying the mask to show some caution and accuracy.

Before applying the mask is necessary to conduct a simple test for allergy: apply a little mixture on the wrist or the elbow. If you are allergic to components of the mask is, skin redness, itching or burning. In this case, the mask can not be used. Mask with strawberries can cause allergies, even if there is no food allergy.

When applying the mask to avoid the eyes and lips. If you get a mask with eyes, rinse with running water. On the face mask is applied using a broad brush, spatula, ice cream sticks, or simply clean fingers.

Typically mask rinsed warm, but not hot water. If the egg white mask is present, it is better to wash with cool water. After removing the mask face is rinsed with cold water. This not only tones, and tightens pores, making the action more effective mask: in the cells of the skin to retain moisture and nutrients.

  • Tomato mask with green peas. Make a puree of medium-sized ripe tomato, add some peas ready. Mix thoroughly. Add a tablespoon of sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
 . Apply to clean face and neck. Twenty minutes later, rinse with warm water.
  • Mask of oatmeal with olive oil. Boil two tablespoons of oatmeal in a glass of milk. Add two tablespoons of olive oil. Cool. Apply to clean face and neck. After half an hour rinse with warm water.
  • Mask of oatmeal with cinnamon. Dissolve two tablespoons of honey in half a glass of hot water. Add a tablespoon of cinnamon and oatmeal to the consistency of a thick paste. Apply the mask on clean face and neck. Forty-five minutes rinse with warm water.
  • The mask of cream. Make a puree of banana. Mix a quarter cup of fat whipped cream. Add the contents of one capsule of vitamin E. Mix. Apply a thick layer on the face and neck. After fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Almond Mask. Heat a tablespoon of honey to make it soft. Add two teaspoons of olive oil. Add the ground almonds to make a thick mass of uniform. Apply to clean face and neck. Twenty minutes later, rinse with warm water.
  • Mask of honey and yogurt. Mix a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of yogurt. Add a teaspoon of ground oatmeal, two drops of essential oil of geranium, myrrh and a quarter teaspoon of vitamin E oil Mix well. Put the mixture in the refrigerator for ten minutes. Apply to clean skin of the neck. Twenty minutes later, remove the mask. Repeat two times a week.
  • The mask of banana with honey and yogurt. Make a puree of banana pulp. Add a quarter cup of natural yogurt with no additives and two tablespoons of honey. Apply to clean face and neck. Twenty minutes later, remove the mask.
  • Pumpkin Mask. Pumpkin pulp knead to a state of mashed potatoes. A glass of pumpkin puree mixed with a cup of yogurt, a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of carrot juice, a tablespoon of lemon juice. Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon. Add a teaspoon of oil from the seeds of grapes. Apply the mixture to clean face and neck. Leave to dry. Remove the mask with a napkin and warm water.
  • Mask anti-age spots. Mix a teaspoon of strawberry juice with two teaspoons of yogurt and half a teaspoon of cosmetic clay. Add two drops of essential oil of frankincense. Mix thoroughly. Apply to the problem areas. Twenty minutes later, rinse with warm water. Repeat twice a week for several months.
  • Mask with evening primrose oil. Mix six teaspoons of evening primrose oil with a teaspoon of melted honey, add two drops of essential oils of neroli, mandarin or orange. Using two teaspoons of ground almonds to make the mixture more dense. Apply the mixture to clean face and neck. After half an hour to remove the mask.
  • Mask with champagne. Four tablespoons of dry clay mixed with two tablespoons of heavy cream and a quarter cup of champagne. Apply to clean skin, avoiding the eye area, lips and nose. Twenty minutes later, rinse with warm water.
  • Mask with pink clay. Mix equal proportions of pink clay, oatmeal, honey, vegetable oil. Add a drop of essential oil of lavender, rose and incense Frankincense is a gift of the Magi  Frankincense is a gift of the Magi
 . Mix thoroughly. Apply to clean face and neck. After fifteen or twenty minutes, rinse with warm water. Repeat every week.
Read more Natural

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