• Face masks - the path to health and perfection
  • Proven recipes
  • Whitening
  • For healthy skin
  • For oily skin
  • Traditional recipes
  • Rejuvenation
  • Natural
  • Refreshing
  • Effective
  • Kinds

 facials tested recipes

Face masks: tested recipes

Face Mask - an effective remedy for skin care Skin Care as a habit  Skin Care as a habit
 , Toning and a healthy radiance. We offer you a few proven recipes for face masks. Each mask must be applied strictly on a certain time. After the allotted time, rinse with warm water in the recipe if not stated otherwise.

Exact following recommendations provide excellent results, so many professional spa and beauty parlors offer the same (or very similar) treatments. Before applying any cosmetic face masks, wash and clean the delicate cleanser. All masks described below uses only natural ingredients, so they are completely harmless to skin. Try to make your own mask at home - and the results will surprise you.


Egg Mask

  • Thoroughly whisk one egg white
  • Add three to six drops of fresh lemon juice
  • Stir the mixture and apply evenly to the face
  • Wait until the mask dries (about five minutes), and then carry a second layer


Honey mask

  • Mix two tablespoons of alcohol and two tablespoons of water
  • Add 1,000 grams of warm honey
  • Evenly apply the mixture on your face. Rinse after 20 - 30 minutes.


Milk Mask

  • Mix one tablespoon of low-fat instant milk powder and one tablespoon of unscented yogurt
  • Add half a cucumber, peeled and cut into small pieces
  • Pour the mixture into a blender and mix until a thick smooth
  • Apply the mixture evenly on the face. Rinse after 20 - 30 minutes.


Oatmeal Mask : Option 1

  • Mix in a blender one tablespoon of oatmeal, two tablespoons of nonfat dry milk
  • Add one egg white and half a cup of orange juice
  • Apply the mask on your face for twenty minutes


Oatmeal Mask : Option 2

  • Mix egg white and a teaspoon of orange juice
  • Add two tablespoons of oatmeal noodles
  • Apply the mask on your face for twenty minutes


Mask with honey and milk

  • Thoroughly whisk the egg whites and add to it half a teaspoon of honey
  • Add lemon juice, fresh milk and flour
  • Apply the mixture evenly on the face. Twenty minutes later, rinse with cold water.


Mask with chamomile

  • Mix in a blender one teaspoon of dry powdered chamomile flowers Chamomile: the rays of beauty  Chamomile: the rays of beauty
   and a teaspoon of chopped fresh mint
  • Add a tablespoon of honey and egg white
  • Apply the mask on your face for twenty minutes


Banana Mask

  • Finely chop half a banana. Add a tablespoon of orange juice.
  • Add one tablespoon of honey and mix until a thick smooth
  • Apply on face for fifteen minutes


Mask with lemon juice

  • Mix half a cup of honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Add two tablespoons of cooked oatmeal
  • Apply evenly on face. After half an hour rinse with warm water.


Cucumber mask

  • Mix in a blender, finely chopped banana and half a cucumber
  • Add a tablespoon of honey and half a cup of lemon juice
  • Apply evenly on face. After half an hour rinse with warm water.
Read more Whitening

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