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 Mask for oily skin

Masks for oily skin

Oily skin usually gives its owners a lot of trouble: enlarged pores, greasy shine and inflammation nobody paint. However, oily skin has its advantages: it is different density and long aging. It is only important to properly care for themselves, and this will help mask for oily skin, which can significantly improve the state of the epidermis.


What you need to oily skin?

Oily and problematic skin needs special care. In addition to conventional creams and lotions must be thoroughly cleaned face special means for oily skin, as well as the use of scrubs and masks. With regular use of masks can significantly improve skin condition and its appearance.

Of great importance for oily skin is cleansing. Special cleansing mask based on the clay not only absorb the excess fat, but also help in the fight against comedones Comedones  Comedones
   and acne. To choose the best problem skin cleansing mask with inflammatory components such as salicylic acid. Such masks are well clear pores and prevent the occurrence of acne.

In absolutely require any moistening the skin, including oily. However, this type of skin, not all suitable wetting agent. Prepared or cooked own mask should not contain large amounts of oils, or oily skin problem will only grow worse. It is best to prefer funds with a light, melting texture. Not to manage oily skin and without power. Nutritious masks also should not contain large amounts of oil.

Owners of oily skin often disturb enlarged pores, they do not just look unsightly, but also visually older. Firming masks improve skin texture, reduce pores and help to look younger.


Masks for cleaning

While there are many commercially available cleaning agents for oily skin, sometimes you want to treat yourself to something special, such as homemade mask. Such masks do not contain preservatives, colorings, flavorings and other additives, which do not need the skin.

Cleansing mask is applied to clean, but better - still a little steamed skin. It is not necessary to impose a mask on the skin around the eyes and lips, and other areas with dry and sensitive skin. Cleaning the mask are washed away, usually water. After the procedure, wipe the face tonic should use appropriate and cream.

One of the most popular components of cleansing mask - cosmetic clay. Simply mix the clay powder with water to get the perfect mask that absorbs excess fat, cleanse the skin and make it smooth and matte. And if instead of water to take, for example, freshly squeezed orange juice, the mask not only cleanse the skin, but also give it a healthy color. Is allergic to citrus can experiment with other fruit or vegetable juices.


Narrowing far

For porous skin mask fit perfectly on the basis of egg white. Such mask tightens pores, tone, whiten and rejuvenate the skin. Rinse off the mask is recommended protein cold water or room temperature water to the protein is not curled.

Egg whites whipped to a froth with a teaspoon of lemon juice. On clean skin, this foam is applied using a cosmetic brush in several layers, with each layer need to give a little dry. Within ten minutes the mask can be washed off. Instead, you can use lemon juice strawberry juice or the juice of red currants. And if you add to the whipped protein with lemon juice a little oatmeal, you get a wonderful nourishing mask with a lifting effect.


Nutrition and hydration

For oily skin is very useful yeast, rich in vitamins of group B. nourishes the skin with these vitamins can not only inside but also outside. So, it is very well proven yeast mask. Fresh yeast dilute sour milk or just water and apply on face. Fifteen minutes later, when the mask dries, it can be washed off with cool water.

Useful for oily skin and a mask on the basis of dairy products - cheese, yogurt Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony  Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony
   and natural yogurt perfectly nourish, soften and moisturize the skin and smooth out wrinkles.


Mask with olive oil

  • Mix egg yolk and one tablespoon of honey
  • Add one tablespoon of olive oil Olive oil: useful properties  Olive oil: useful properties
   and half a cup of rolled oats
  • Apply on face for fifteen - twenty minutes. Rinse with warm water.


Mask with tomatoes

  • Mix a cup of oatmeal and three tablespoons of low-fat milk
  • In blenedere mix tomato pulp and add to the mixture of milk and oatmeal
  • Apply the mask on your face for an hour. Rinse with warm water.


Mask with strawberries

  • Boil the lemon leaves
  • Mix broth with a cup of dry oatmeal and three tablespoons wheat germ
  • Add to the mix the pulp of fresh strawberries
  • Apply the mask on your face for an hour. Rinse with warm water.
Read more Traditional recipes

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