• Face masks - the path to health and perfection
  • Proven recipes
  • Whitening
  • For healthy skin
  • For oily skin
  • Traditional recipes
  • Rejuvenation
  • Natural
  • Refreshing
  • Effective
  • Kinds

 refreshing facials

Refreshing facial mask: a huge variety of recipes

How well the skin looks after you leave - it simply glows with beauty and health. But this fascination is short-lived: stress, lack of sleep, poor diet and lack of fresh air make the skin tired, sluggish and dull. Not everyone can afford a regular basis to fully relax by the sea, but a refreshing face mask, after which the skin will look as attractive, accessible to all.


Life-giving means

On sale is a lot of money to help the most dull and tired skin. Refreshing facials strongly moisturize the skin, giving it elasticity and softness. The structure of such funds often include thermal water, hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients. In addition, such masks often contain vitamins and minerals to improve skin tone. Fruit acids normalize the complexion, removing dead skin from the scales. And thanks to the healing plant extracts skin is filled with energy and begins to shine from within.

Refreshing mask instantly transform the skin, but to achieve long-term effects, it is advisable to make such procedures regularly. In addition, it is desirable not to be limited by external means, but also to respect the proper rest, stop smoking (including passive) and alcohol are more likely to be outdoors, I eat healthy and treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

To mask was effective, it should be applied only to the prepared skin. A person must be thoroughly cleaned of makeup and impurities. You can also use a mild exfoliating or cleansing mask, then the healing ingredients penetrate deep into the skin and significantly improve its condition.

Refreshing mask off with cold water or water at room temperature, in some cases, simply wipe the face of cosmetic wipe or tonic. At the end of the procedure applied to the skin moisturizing or nourishing cream.


The mask from the refrigerator

Dairy products perfectly nourish and tone the skin. However, this should be it natural dairy products, but not strange substance with mysterious vegetable fats. Store-bought cream from an unknown manufacturer can not only refresh the skin, but also cause severe allergies due to the huge number of artificial additives. Therefore, the choice of products for face masks should be taken very carefully.

For dry skin is well suited dairy products rich in fat - sour cream, cottage cheese. Owners of oily skin is better to choose dairy products with reduced fat. To thicken the mask, you can use rice or oatmeal. Suit and very fine oatmeal - are best steamed hot milk.

Well-proven mask with honey - they tighten, tone and rejuvenate. Perfectly refreshing mask of green tea - dry tea should be crushed into powder using a coffee grinder, diluted with hot water and leave for five minutes. The finished slurry is applied to the skin in its natural form or in a mixture of honey, oat flour and starch. This mask can be applied to the entire face, including eyelids and - eyes begin to shine, "bags" beneath them disappear. Fifteen minutes should wash cold infusion tea.

To refresh your skin, you can use almost all vegetables and fruits, such as strawberries, apples, grapes, bananas, carrots, potatoes, zucchini. Vegetables, fruits and berries should be turned into a puree, thickened with starch and apply on face for ten to fifteen minutes. Owners of dry skin can add to the sauce of olive oil or fat sour cream.

Potato mask can be made from both raw and boiled potatoes. To cook one root in their skins, peel, add a raw egg yolk and a few spoonfuls of hot milk. Cooked so warm mashed applied to the face and neck for twenty minutes. Regular use of potato mask tightens the skin, making it smooth, elastic and supple.


Recipes masks

  • Grape mask. Mash a few berries of green seedless grapes. Apply to clean skin. Ten minutes later rinse face.
  • Cheese mask. Mix the ricotta cheese with honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
 . Apply to clean skin. After ten minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Protein mask. Mix in blender half a cucumber, half an apple, egg white teaspoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of lime juice, mint three petals. Add two drops of essential oil of lime. Apply to clean skin, avoiding the eye area. Twenty minutes later, rinse with warm water.
  • Egg mask. Mash the banana pulp, add four tablespoons of flour. Beat with a raw egg. Apply on face and neck. Fifteen minutes later, rinse with cool water.
  • Green mask. Mix in a blender three tablespoons of honey, two egg whites, four cups of spinach, a cup of mint and a slice of ginger. Apply to clean skin. After fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Rejuvenating Mask. Mix a tablespoon pink clay and ground oatmeal. Add a teaspoon of honey and almond oil. Add a drop of essential oil of lavender and roses. Apply to face and neck. After fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Mask of oatmeal with mint. Mix the banana pulp, raw egg white teaspoon chopped mint, a cup of oatmeal. Apply to face and neck. Leave to dry. Rinse with warm water.
  • Peach mask. Mix the pulp of a ripe peach with a tablespoon of honey and half a cup of oatmeal. Apply to clean skin. After ten minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • The mask of cucumber with parsley. Mix a tablespoon of fat yogurt with a tablespoon of grated cucumber and a tablespoon of chopped parsley. Apply to clean skin. After fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Milk Mask. Mix in a blender peeled apple quarter, half peach, half a tomato, add a quarter cup of milk, a tablespoon of almond oil. Slightly warm the mixture to the consistency of cream. Cool. Apply a thick layer on the skin. After half an hour rinse.
  • The mask of yogurt. A glass of chilled yogurt mixed with the juice of half a lemon. Apply to face and neck. Twenty minutes later, rinse.
  • Peach mask with egg white. Mix in a blender and egg white pulp of ripe peach. Apply to clean skin. After half an hour rinse with cool water.
  • Apple mask. Mix in a blender and apple pulp two spoons of honey. Cool the mask in the refrigerator. Apply on face. After half an hour rinse.
  • Strawberry mask. Make a half cup of mashed strawberries, add a quarter cup of starch. Apply to face and neck in circular motions. After half an hour rinse with cold water.
  • Tomato mask. Cut a ripe tomato into small pieces, add a spoonful of lemon juice and oatmeal. Mix thoroughly. Apply to your face. After ten minutes, rinse.
  • Mask of tomato. Mix two tablespoons of tomato juice with a tablespoon of flour or starch. Apply to the skin. Fifteen minutes later, rinse with cool water.
  • Mask of tomato and egg yolks. Mix the pulp of a ripe tomato with a raw egg yolk. Apply to clean face. After fifteen minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.
  • Mask of tomato juice. Connect equal proportions of tomato juice and milk. Apply on face. Once dry, rinse.
  • Cucumber mask. Grate the cucumber on a grater, squeeze the juice. Mix cucumber juice with a little lemon juice. Add a raw egg white. Apply to clean skin. After half an hour rinse with cool water.
  • Citrus mask. Boil any citrus skins. Insist during the night. Cotton swab or spray applied decoction on the face at any time.
  • Banana mask. Mash the banana pulp, add two tablespoons of orange juice. Apply on face. Ten minutes later, remove the mask.
  • Cucumber and orange mask. Mix in a blender three or four slices of cucumber, a tablespoon of orange juice, large strawberries, a teaspoon of honey, tablespoon of sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
   (for dry skin) or yogurt (for oily skin). Apply to clean face and neck. Twenty minutes later, rinse with cool water.
  • Mask farmer's wife. Beat two egg whites chilled. Add a pinch of starch. Immediately put on clean skin. Twenty minutes later, rinse with cold water.
  • Mask with avocado. The pulp of avocado mixed with a third cup of honey and half a cup of oatmeal. Apply to face and neck. Fifteen minutes later, rinse with cool water.
  • Cabbage Mask. Mix a teaspoon of honey with a tablespoon of cabbage juice.
  • Cucumber-mint mask. Connect cucumber and grated tablespoon chopped mint leaves. If necessary, add water. Heat in the microwave Microwave - irreplaceable assistant modern housewife  Microwave - irreplaceable assistant modern housewife
 . Cool. Apply to clean skin. After half an hour to remove the mask.
  • Mask with algae. Mix four tablespoons of ground dried seaweed and a half cup of aloe pulp, diluted with three tablespoons of water. Apply to your face. Fifteen minutes later, rinse with water.
Read more Effective

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