• Fashionable hats: practical accessory
  • The second half of the twentieth century
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 fashion hats
 Hats add a note of elegance, femininity, good taste and style, thanks to the variety of designs and tightened on the head, caps and hats can be worn for different occasions, both in everyday life and for special outputs. Another advantage of hats - they are able to perfectly complement the simple hairstyle Simple hairstyles - if you do not have time  Simple hairstyles - if you do not have time
 . They can be worn with flowing hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 , With braids, a ponytail, and any version of the image will be great.

 Fashionable hats: practical accessory


 fashion hats
 Primitive man, who lived in caves and could support themselves by hunting, have not yet gone far in his own image and the development of monkeys living in the trees. His hair was thick, thick, long, and he still did not need to protect them somewhat from the wind or rain. As the first clothes he served as the skins of animals that he killed for human consumption.

He is likely to take much time to reflect on the need for a hat that could protect his hair. At best, he might think about how to prevent hair fall over his eyes. So the first prerequisite to the birth of the headdress was most likely some sort of "hairpin" hair receding from his forehead. Later, in some climates a person could be a need to protect yourself from the sun. It has been realized by a wide sheet or several pieces of animal skins which have been formed sufficiently rough, but so as to be fixed on the head.

Since human thinking has evolved over the centuries and millennia. Over time, the headdress began to take the most unexpected forms. For example, the Etruscans began to wear on your head things that do not just protect them from the weather, but also is a jewel.

Women began to decorate his hat later men. For a long time they were content with wearing a transparent veil, which was part of the main suit.

Then the hats were a kind of indicator of social status, as well as military and religious hierarchies. Priests were different in shape hats, which were specially decorated. For example, the tiara of the Pope, which has a clear division and two long ribbons, symbolizing the Old and New Testament, a dual union with God and the people.

 fashion hats
 Since the eighteenth century fashion watches the big rise in popularity of wigs. Men shave their heads and cover their long wigs with curly hair, on top of which sits a triangular hat decorated with feathers. Women wear long hair Beautiful long hair: Hollywood glamor for every fashionista  Beautiful long hair: Hollywood glamor for every fashionista
   (sometimes replacing them with wigs) to which they are also raising a huge luxury hats decorated with feathers, pearls and precious stones. End of extravagance, for example, in France, put the French Revolution.

In the nineteenth century, we see the triumph of less broad, but higher headdresses, without which no man of high social position would not dare to go out. Differed hats for police, traders, government officials, top officials. The poor, in turn, wore simple hats, men - Caps women - scarves. In the late nineteenth century in vogue bowlers. Straw hats were worn for centuries and around the world. In Latin America, it was the wide sombrero sun protection in the US and Europe, they have been popular in the nineteenth century, entered into vogue in the Middle Ages. But on their own straw hats appeared in ancient times, and this is due to the availability of the material from which they are made.

The twentieth century was a period when every decade feted the new models of caps and hats, until finally, in the seventies, people took off their hats and left the place crazy hairstyles, leaving hats on a cold time of year. But before that period in hats it had a interesting story.

 Fashionable hats: practical accessory

Belle Epoque - the beginning of the century

 fashion hats
 At the turn of the century Paris, London and New York for the high hair rose slightly shifted to the forehead a little hat with a predominantly black and veil.

Since 1904 hats are becoming more voluminous. Approximately in 1910, a huge number of hats abound artificial flowers, ribbons, satin, feathers of the wings and tail of a bird.

In vogue to gradually include miniature hats, which are worn on the head of another - moving away from the forehead to the back of the head.

 Fashionable hats: practical accessory

Mad Twenties

 fashion hats
 Cap borderless Bell becomes the main headdress for women in their twenties, both young and more mature. Women loved this hat with clean lines, perfectly adapted to short and direct haircuts emancipated women. Cap-bell worn very low, down to the most eyebrows.

Other models of hats these years: takes a little straw hat, turban cap.

 Fashionable hats: practical accessory

Elegant thirties

During this decade, the elegant, short hairstyle perfectly laid and hat - essential elements of the female image.

The image should contain features of sophistication and glamor. With costumes worn felt hats, similar to the male model. For windy weather ladies could choose luxury wide-brimmed hats.

Since the mid-thirties the general trend in hats respects minimalist form inspired fez, Tyrolean hat. Still popular berets, a small round cap with no margins, hats with curved edges.

 Fashionable hats: practical accessory

The war years (1939-1945)

 fashion hats
 The Second World War interrupted immediately and for the development of fashion. The lack of materials is pushing designers to create original models.

In the absence of felt and straw to create exotic headgear used newsprint, twine, ribbon, cotton, coarse cloth.

In 1942, again in fashion is a turban, which immediately becomes a great success. Most of the turbans made with materials that have at hand: paper flowers, cellophane and inexpensive fabrics before the war. All the forms and volumes of caps and hats successfully coexist, appearing together in a single model.

Read more The second half of the twentieth century

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