fresh juices
 Fresh juices - a powerful natural products. They are very healthy and have a positive effect on health. Fruit juices output accumulated toxins in the body. They concentrated natural sugar is saturated with vital energy and spur the excretory processes. Vegetable juices provide us with important elements to refresh the healthy blood, bone and tissue.


Fruits and fruit juices

If possible, eat in the morning only fruit juices or fresh fruit. Although it is believed that a hearty breakfast is required for charging the energy, common sense tells us that somewhere is to tackle the energy to digest this big breakfast. It comes from our limited supplies of vital energy. That's why two hours after breakfast people need a cup of coffee, to move on. All their energy is spent on digestion. Fruit juices and fruit supply the body with this energy. During the digestive process, all that is eaten, it should turn into glucose. Fruit juices - is fructose, and the process of converting fructose to glucose by the body requires very little power. That's why we say that the fruit juices present supply you with energy - a natural sugar that the body can use immediately.

No juice in bottles or cardboard packaging can not be compared with fresh juice.

If you drink in the morning only fruit juices, you free the body of the work needed to digest a big breakfast .  This frees up vital energy for other activities .  Even the so-called light breakfast of toast and a cup of coffee, the body requires more energy to assimilate it .  Coffee is extremely difficult for the body, and only one cup takes 24 hours to pass through the kidneys .  If in the morning you want to have something more severe than the juice, let it be only fruit .  When you move from his usual breakfast of juice for breakfast or fruit, you will be surprised how much more energy you will have the morning .  You will also find that begin to lose weight, which have struggled so long ago .  In the morning when you drink only juice or fruit, your body can direct the energy to get rid of excess weight, because it does not have to spend it on the digestion .  If possible, buy a juicer .  Considering the health benefits you get from the juice that it will squeeze this amazing machine seems not so expensive .

Shelf life is limited to natural juice. The longer it is on the shelf, the more essential vitamins Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   he loses. To get the most out of juice, you should use it immediately after cooking. Avoid pasteurized juice, which as a result become denatured and acid-forming.

Any of the following fruits give energy supply and cleansing juices:

  • Apple - not necessarily to clean the rind, but be sure to remove the core;
  • Grapefruit - grapefruit can be cleaned and passed through a vegetable juicer, resulting in a thick, frothy juice. Or you can cut a grapefruit in half and pass through the juicer for citrus;
  • Orange - prepare as well as grapefruit juice;
  • Cantaloupe - peel and seed cantaloupe chunks and pass through the juicer;
  • White muscat melon - prepare as well as juice from cantaloupes;
  • Grapes - Grapes miss any sort through a juicer. Seeds mix with pulp. Grape juice - particularly concentrated, so that it can be drunk in half with apple juice;
  • Pineapple - cut off the peel with pineapple and miss it bulldozed through a juicer. The core is not necessary to remove;
  • Watermelon - remove skin and miss chunks of watermelon through juicer. This is a very cleansing and refreshing juice.

There are also many possible combinations of fruit juices:

Apple, grape, orange, grapefruit, pineapple-orange, abruzno-kantalupovo-melon. If you want a thicker juice, try apple, banana or pineapple and banana. Skip the banana through the juicer, then put it more juicy fruit to wash out her thick banana juice. It is very nutritious morning drink.

There is one rule that is important to remember when cooking juices: always drink fruit juice on an empty stomach.

Juices washed or detoxify the body, and immediately provide it with vital energy. If you use them on a full stomach, they can not pass through the body and fermented. Besides, the digestive process is immediately interrupted, since the digestive enzymes will be diluted. This rule applies to the fruit, and vegetable juices. It is necessary to pass over at least two hours after eating before drinking juices.

If you're used to eating to drink alcoholic beverages, replace them with a glass of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice. This opens up the way the digestive and helps digestion. Alcohol contributes to aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
   because of acid fermentation, which it causes. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices rejuvenate as they cleaned and supply the body with essential elements to restore the body's tissues.


Vegetable juices

Here are examples of some of the finest vegetable juices:

  • Carrots - is perhaps the most important of all the vegetable juices. This is the basis for all other vegetable juices. Carrots do not need to be cleaned. Just wash it and remove the roots. Do not listen to those who say that the carrot juice will make you orange. If the palm of a little turn yellow when you start to drink carrot juice in large quantities, it is because of the cleansing of the liver of excess bile. Bile is a temporary color change until the blood flow will wash. This color change in no way associated with the carotene in carrots, and is actually a sign of health improvement;
  • Carrots and celery Celery: vegetable with obvious advantages  Celery: vegetable with obvious advantages
   - If you cook 340 grams of juice, 80 grams should come on celery juice, and the rest - to carrot juice .  This is extremely important for your transition juice diet .  The high alkalinity of celery neutralizes acid accumulation in the body because of the smoke, smoking, alcohol, meat, coffee, sugar and semi-finished products .  If you are trying to give up meat or coffee, and if one includes their meal, be sure to drink a large glass of carrot and celery juice on an empty stomach the next day to neutralize the acidity .  This juice is also useful to neutralize the acids formed as a result of the consumption of dairy products .  If you are trying to quit smoking, this habit increases the acidity of your body, and carrot and celery juice will neutralize this acidity .  The lower the acidity in the body, the less you want to smoke .  If you want to switch to a vegetarian diet, it is recommended to drink at least one large glass of carrot and celery juice daily;
  • Carrot and cucumber and beet - three pieces peeled cucumber, one of the eight pieces of beets and carrots - it is a good mixture of juice;
  • Carrot and celery-shpinatovo-latukovy - three or four of the greens, eight or nine pieces of carrot. This juice has a strong laxative (cleaning) effect. Organic oxalic acid in spinach increases peristalsis. If you suffer from constipation, the juice helps to normalize the chair. Celery - a source of natural salts, it will help reduce the consumption of salt, and if you have to be in very hot climates, celery juice will help you withstand the heat;
  • Mixed vegetable juice - mix any number for you the most delicious juices of these vegetables: carrots, celery, tomato, spinach, parsley, green or red peppers, lettuce, cucumber and beet. No matter what diet you follow, fresh fruits and vegetables can become an important part of it. However, be sure to consume the juice right: on an empty stomach and not together with a meal or immediately after it. Start drinking fresh juice today and you will immediately begin to experience their tremendous rejuvenating and invigorating effect.

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