• Nourishing mask for face: how to pamper your skin?
  • Ingredients

 nourishing facial mask
 Among the means to care for skin nourishing masks occupy a special place. Many people somehow believe that their use need not everyone and not always. Meanwhile, nourishing facial mask - an extremely effective tool, regular application of which can transform the skin of any type. What is important is to choose the right mask and use it correctly.


Something special

Even the best nourishing cream can not replace the mask. The creams intended for the daily (or rather nightly - after nourishing creams are usually applied at night) use, the concentration of nutrients is usually low. Of course, these creams are necessary and useful, but occasionally, say once or twice a week, is to give the skin care with a more effective means - masks.

The nutrient composition of face masks includes generally the same components as in the nutritive creams, but their concentration is significantly higher. This allows you to fully meet the needs of the skin, saturate it with vital substances, filled with power and energy. The fatty oils in the composition of masks soften the skin and create her thin film that prevents dehydration. Essential oils and plant extracts give the skin tone, relieves irritation, improves skin's resistance. Vitamins and minerals strengthen vessels, tone and improve skin condition.

It is difficult to say which is better masks - made yourself or bought in the store. Pets mask more concentration, while industrial manufacturing mask may contain unique ingredients that are virtually impossible to independently purchase. Most cosmetologists believes that can be used as purchased or hand made mask, the main thing - to care for a person on a regular basis.


Time and place

It would seem, what's the difference when to impose a nourishing mask, because its composition does not change? But there is a difference. At night, the skin particularly well takes care of and gratefully absorbs medicinal substances, so the best time for nourishing masks - late in the evening, and for those who lies late, even overnight. But with time, fifteen to eighteen hours is not very well suited for any kind has been caring procedures, including for masking - in these hours the skin less sensitive.

But to choose the right time is not enough, you must also use the right means that it has brought the most benefit. Absolutely all the masks are applied only on clean skin, and nutritional products - is no exception. You can restrict usual washing or make a special mask to clean pores to facilitate the access of nutrients in the middle layers of the skin.

After applying nourishing mask should lie down for a while and completely relax your facial muscles. This procedure will be particularly effective. Some people prefer to do a hydrating mask for the face, lying in a bathtub full of water. Warm water from the steam relaxes and helps open the pores, resulting in nutrients can penetrate into the skin. In other cases, you can cover the face, on which a mask is heated cosmetic tissue or foil.

On average, a hydrating mask superimposed on the face on the quarter hour. Much more than this is not recommended - on the skin can cause irritation.


Less is more

Use hydrating mask should be regularly - only by ensuring uninterrupted power to your skin, you can improve her condition. But abuse masks still not worth it. If the skin is overloaded with nutrients, the effect will be counter-productive: the aging process Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
   only accelerate. As a result of overuse nourishing mask on the skin can cause irritation and rash. It is generally sufficient to use a hydrating mask - three times a week, not more but not less.

Nutritious masks must be suitable to the skin type. So, nourishing mask for oily skin, applied to over-dried skin, but it will worsen the condition and certainly does not add to the face of beauty. In contrast, the oil-rich mask for dry skin may aggravate acne when applying it to the oily and problematic skin. For sensitive skin fit only specific products without artificial additives and allergens.


Each type of skin - has its own mask

With the mask manufacturing is simple - on the tube with means always given to what type of skin they are intended. But those who cook a hydrating mask for the face alone, is much more difficult to pick up a mask for your skin type - most of the recipes are silent about such nuances.

In the selection mask should be guided by its content of fat. The more, the more should be dry skin. Olive, flaxseed, peach and almond oil is literally transforming the over-dried skin, giving it softness and smoothness. Some fats are more versatile. For example, cocoa butter can be used for oily skin.

Various fruits and vegetables are universal - they perfectly nourish the skin of all types. This mask of sour fruit slightly dried skin and is recommended primarily for those whose skin is prone to fat. Owners of dry skin can add to this masks a little oil or fat sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine

Egg whites - a wonderful remedy for oily and flabby skin, the yolk is used as part of nourishing masks for all skin types. To universal nutritious food can also include honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
 , Sour cream, cottage cheese. Yeast mask nourishes any skin, but for dry skin yeast diluted milk is best for normal - water and fat length - water with a drop of hydrogen peroxide.

Read more Ingredients

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