 Just go without outerwear can afford only the residents of hot tropical countries. For the Europeans, it is not only a means of escape from the cold weather, but also an excellent opportunity to add variety to your own wardrobe. Outerwear, like any other, for millions of fashionistas it is a great way to express themselves.

The history of the world knows the many varieties of fashion outerwear, including ethnic: it includes coats and dushegreyki, jackets and overcoats, cloaks Caucasian and Asian burnouses Greek peplos and the peoples of the north of Doha. For tailoring outerwear to use natural materials that can store heat: fur Fur - Luxury is timeless  Fur - Luxury is timeless
   and the skin of different animals, and also based on a woolen cloth. Even with modern technology outerwear garment industry from natural fabrics valued much more expensive than stitched synthetics. In the third millennium, the most popular types of outerwear are coats, sheepskin coats and short coats, raincoats, jackets.

 Outerwear: with special warmth


 For fur coats Fur - Fashion nobility and charm of vintage  Fur - Fashion nobility and charm of vintage
   the vast majority of women is not even as outerwear as well as an indicator of social status. In old Russia coats worn by all social strata: peasants wore sheepskin, and the hare, and the elite - in coats of fur sable, marten or silver fox. At present domestic fashionistas in special honor mink coats, and the tone is set celebrities of all stripes: Christina Aguilera, Yana Rudkovsky, Ksenia Sobchak, Daria Sagalova, Lera Kudryavtseva, not to mention the show-business stars of the first magnitude, wives of oligarchs and politicians.

Western selibriti love for fur coats differ Jennifer Lopez, Sharon Stone, Beyonce, Naomi Campbell, Rihanna, Hilary Duff, Kate Moss, and others.

 Outerwear: with special warmth


This type of outerwear is considered one of the finest. In the traditional sense of swing coat is a robe with long sleeves, which also may well have a length of three-quarters, and with zip front. Different coats of different silhouettes: straight adjacent, semiadherent, trapezoidal. For each type of coat provides specific embodiments of sewing collar and sleeves.

Sometimes one or another type of coat give sonorous names: for example, the long coat of thick twill with a detachable hood called Alster and waterproof - Trench. According to some historians of fashion coats are also varieties robe and cloak.

 Outerwear: with special warmth


 Coats - a coat distant relatives. In fact, they do not differ from the latter, in addition, that are made of a lightweight and waterproof fabric.

Historically, swing coats were waterproof outerwear sleeveless.
  In modern fashion possibilities for the design of experiments with styles of raincoats became a kind of guarantee of their long-running popularity. There were also found its admirers cape cocoons, leather and satin capes.

 Outerwear: with special warmth


Where, when and under what circumstances people first started to wear jackets, fashion history is silent. There is speculation that this object outerwear main dandies invented the world - the French. The very same word "jacket" from Latin translates as "short", although, according to other sources, it came from Persia. In Russia, jackets accustomed pretty quickly and are still a favorite and essential winter wardrobe Winter wardrobe: what and what to wear  Winter wardrobe: what and what to wear
   women, men and children. To list all the styles and models of jackets - a thankless task. They sew leather, waterproof synthetic fabric, with warming pads, collars and fur accents. Very common hooded jacket - there is one in almost every wardrobe.

Svetlana Usankova

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