• Photorejuvenation - whether to fight the inevitable aging?
  • Features procedures

 especially rejuvenation procedures

Features rejuvenation procedures

The skin over the years, loses its elasticity and ages. And since the modern woman is not willing to put up with this fact, to help her to come more and more new methods of rejuvenation. One effective way to combat aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
   skin (and not only aging, but also other changes in the skin) is resurfacing.


What is the method of rejuvenation

Resurfacing - a physiotherapy technique which is used in cosmetics and is exposed to the skin rf pulse light rays which skim the surface of the skin and penetrate deep into its layers. Resurfacing works on the surface of the skin, while stimulating the formation of collagen and elastin proteins, which are the skeleton for the skin. It is the loss of these proteins is shown a decrease in elasticity and skin aging. Streams pulsed light have different wavelengths, which allows them to penetrate into the different (including deep) layers of the skin. As a result, the skin is tightened, creating an effect that is comparable to a circular plastic surgery facelift. That is resurfacing - is one of the methods of non-invasive facelift.

Photorejuvenation can not only give the skin a more youthful appearance, but also removes dark spots, redness (including mesh of blood vessels), skin defects arising after laser resurfacing and other treatments.


How is the procedure of photorejuvenation

Resurfacing is performed using special equipment. Today, the most commonly used devices "Quantum", produced in the United States, which are equipped with cooling systems to prevent skin burns and computer programs that control the whole process.

Photorejuvenation session lasts about half an hour to fully restore the skin condition will require three to six procedures performed at intervals of approximately one month. Improving the condition of the skin becomes noticeable after the third session. Separation of treatment for several procedures delivers gradual (physiological) improvement of the skin.

Before the procedure, the skin rejuvenation in the area of ​​impact is applied to the gel, the eyes of both the patient and the health professional conducting the procedure to protect sunglasses. Thereafter, lightly touching the skin of the tip unit, it affects light pulses. Computer systems control all the main indicators of exposure to light, including the temperature of the surface of the tip, it can further protect the skin from overheating.

During the course of rejuvenation is necessary to eliminate tan, steam baths, saunas, use of scrubs, peels and alcohol cosmetics. On sunny days, you need to use sunscreen with a high protection factor.


Indications and contraindications for rejuvenation treatments

Resurfacing tightens skin, smooths her all the irregularities and removes any dark spots Brown spots: whether they can be removed completely?  Brown spots: whether they can be removed completely?
 So it shows:

  • age-related changes in the facial (wrinkles, changing facial contours, and so on);
  • if there is on the face of freckles and age spots;
  • in the presence of spider veins on the face of dilated blood vessels;
  • oily skin with enlarged pores;
  • at various irregularities on the skin, for example, after abdominal liposuction;
  • cellulite and stretch marks on the skin - they become less noticeable.

Rejuvenation procedure is contraindicated in:

  • in benign and malignant tumors - is the stimulation of growth;
  • for patients with diabetes Diabetes  Diabetes
 Complicated by vascular disease;
  • in severe forms of hypertension;
  • with an increase in intraocular pressure (glaucoma) and cataracts;
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding the child;
  • epilepsy;
  • psoriasis, allergic and inflammatory skin diseases;
  • in the presence of keloid scars on the skin - red, towering above the skin scars that grow over time;
  • while taking certain medications (tetracycline, Trichopolum and others) - after their admission must be at least two weeks;
  • with very dark skin;
  • if less than two weeks after a chemical peel skin.

Rejuvenation procedures can be combined with mesotherapy and microcurrent therapy.


Complications photorejuvenation

Rejuvenation procedures must be carried out medical officer who has the necessary training for their implementation. Otherwise, the possible complications:

  • burns of varying degrees accompanied by swelling and redness of the skin;
  • degree burns at the site of pigment spots and scars;
  • the appearance of discolored patches of skin (depigmentation);
  • the emergence of long-term complications in the form of pigmentation and depigmentation of the skin;
  • occurrence of complications after sun exposure.

Remember: any treatment method is good only in the hands of a professional, so try to carefully choose the clinic for cosmetic procedures.

Galina Romanenko

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