Pumpkin health
 This luxury queen garden with impressive forms has not only good taste, but also a huge benefit for human health. By number of vitamins and minerals, it has no equal among other vegetables. The great advantage of ginger is its beauty accessible to all budgets, from the beginning of the fall and spring until the first drops of pumpkin generously shared their remarkable properties. What are the benefits of pumpkin for the health and treatment of diseases?

 Pumpkin for health: a royal vegetable in home pharmacy


Scientists are still arguing about where he first grew a pumpkin. Some consider the birthplace of the Queen of garden China, where she dishes were served at the table of the Emperor of China. Others believe that the pumpkin came to us from America. Homeland species bottle gourd is considered the East Indies and tropical Africa. Since ancient times, the pumpkin is a symbol of abundance and prosperity, not only because of the sheer size and because of the abundance of delicious and healthy seeds.

Pumpkin growing in the world more than three thousand years ago, as is recognized as one of the oldest vegetable crops. From America, after the discovery of the New World, pumpkin seeds began their journey to Europe and Asia. Today, the pumpkin is grown on all continents, its use in food, used as an ornamental plant, it treated.

 Pumpkin for health: a royal vegetable in home pharmacy

Useful material

 Pumpkin health
 Pumpkin (lat. Cucurbita) - a plant of the Cucurbitaceae family, which has ten species, many of which are cultivated or grown for ornamental purposes. Pumpkins consists of water, protein and nitrogenous substances, starch, organic acids, sugar (the main part - glucose), carotene and vitamins B, C, D, salts of phosphorus, copper, zinc and iron. This "passport" plants makes it widely used in folk medicine to treat many diseases.

Scientists have isolated from the pulp of the pumpkin substance to inhibit the growth of tubercle bacillus, vitamin E contained in this vegetable, slows aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
   the body, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and age spots, softens the pain symptoms of menopause. Fiber, contained in large quantities in the pulp of the pumpkin, is struggling with constipation is a prophylactic against colitis, cancer and diabetes. Calcium and vitamin-mineral complex is removed from the body toxins, salts, lower blood pressure. Pectin clean the body of toxins and cholesterol.

Located in pumpkin pulp carotene supports the mucous membrane of the eyes, strengthens the immune system, protecting the body against viruses and bacteria. Pumpkin juice helps men maintain high sexual tone.

 Pumpkin for health: a royal vegetable in home pharmacy

Treatment of pumpkin

 Pumpkin health
 The official and folk medicine used seeds and pumpkin pulp, at least - and the stem cuttings. The main forms of application - broth and seed powder. Because of the low toxicity of the use of pumpkin products are recommended for the elderly, pregnant women, children and people who have suffered serious serious illness in the recovery period. Pumpkin dishes are suitable for prophylactic and dietary nutrition.

Elevated levels of iron and copper salts make pumpkin useful in atherosclerosis and anemia, it is used as a diuretic and laxative. In diseases of the liver Liver disease: when the natural filter faltering  Liver disease: when the natural filter faltering
 , Gall bladder, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous system, kidneys, hard to find a softer and effective folk remedy.

Crumb of pulp of the pumpkin is excellent relieves itching, helps with eczema, rashes, burns and inflammations. The fruit pulp is recommended as a mild laxative and diuretic, improves metabolism. Pumpkin, cooked with honey, eat in diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver and bladder, it quickly relieves swelling. The raw, boiled and baked pumpkin does not attack in the renal tissue, and therefore it is recommended as a dietary product.

From pumpkin seeds vegetable garden cooked delicious preparation, mixing them with honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
 . This is useful "drug" great fights worms, tape and round worms, pinworms and ascarids. Three hundred grams of peeled fresh pumpkin seeds pounded with green envelope with one hundred grams of honey and an hour in small portions eat this delicious breakfast on an empty stomach. After three hours of drinking any natural laxative and then thirty minutes later put an enema. Children number of seeds and honey decrease depending on age.

Fresh pumpkin juice helps in the fight against insomnia, has a mild sedative effect. It is enough to make pumpkin porridge twice a day for fifty - one hundred grams to sleep all night. Broth of pumpkin, mixed with honey can also help fight insomnia. Tibetan medicine for centuries using the pumpkin for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers. Eastern recipe is as follows: Twenty grams of finely chopped stalks and two grams of propolis cook fifteen minutes in two cups of water and drink the solution in one day.

 Pumpkin for health: a royal vegetable in home pharmacy

It is interesting

Pumpkin carriage for Cinderella was invented storyteller Charles Perrault quite by chance: this vegetable was always at hand at last the poor. In addition, the pumpkin - the largest of all vegetables in the world, some specimens grow to two hundred kilograms. Japan has grown a pumpkin weighing 440 kilograms, in the US - 600 kg!

None of Halloween in America is not without lights from an empty pumpkin with a slotted grin and a lit candle inside. This satanic symbol symbolizes the restless souls of sinners.

Use pumpkin evident for patients and healthy people.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

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