School uniforms: freedom or equality?
 This tradition has evolved over the centuries: the students have to attend classes in special clothes set cut and set colors, called a school uniform. No matter how many teachers and parents arguing about whether it is necessary for real, school uniform continues to be popular, thereby proving its right to exist. It has become more democratic than in the twentieth century, and a symbol of the school curriculum, while helping each child to be an individual.

Apologists for school uniforms to reinforce their arguments usually lead many arguments. First, they believe that such clothing excludes social competition between the students and their parents: children from wealthy and poor families look the same externally. Secondly, the school uniform should theoretically generate in students a sense of cohesion and teamwork, it seems to be stressed that all of them share common goals. Third, when the clothes for the children introduced certain standards, it ensures its compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

Opponents of school uniforms always emphasize the point that it becomes an element of egalitarianism, depriving students opportunities to emphasize their individuality, which is contrary to the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. They are sure that this is a blatant form of violence against the person. In addition, the cost of school uniforms is sometimes quite high, and for poor families, especially large families, it is a real ruin.

 School uniforms: freedom or equality?

School uniforms in world culture

 School uniforms: freedom or equality?
 The most exemplary sense of love for school uniforms, no doubt, is the United Kingdom with its conservative traditions. School uniforms are almost all there, starting with the youngest students and ending with high school students. Never cancel the wearing of special clothes for school and in the former British colonies in Australia, Ireland, India and Singapore.

In the US, school uniforms, basically, are the students and privileged elite schools, private schools and colleges. It is a peculiar attribute of belonging to a select company. In ordinary American schools as such, no form, but the strict dress code, or the so-called dress code Dress code: dress and grooming  Dress code: dress and grooming
 . In Cuba, none of the boys or girls, and would never be declared to school in jeans and a bright shirt: look for students there followed very strictly.

Japanese first graders do not have to put on the form, they are allowed to spend a little more fun and carefree children, even if only in clothing. But already in middle school Japanese students acquire uniform wardrobe. Each school - his version of clothes to practice, but in principle, they differ little from each other. For example, the design is very popular Japanese school uniforms "Sailor fuku", reminiscent of the sailor suit.

In modern Russia, and the mandatory school uniform policy, as it was in the Soviet Union, no. Some schools enter their samples of clothing. There are also cases when in agreement with the parents administered "cool" form, it is usually sewn in order for the students of a certain class.

In Ukraine, the school uniform was officially introduced by the Decree of the President in 1996, but each school has the right to choose the most attractive styles itself.

 School uniforms: freedom or equality?

Modern school uniform: main trends

Brown dress and black aprons on wide straps, it seems irretrievably gone, as boyish blue jackets with emblems on the sleeve. Modern school uniform a variety of clothes and, in addition, extensive use of some accessories - for example, such as the classic men's tie. From military style uniforms came in cuffs and epaulettes: the designers find the right treatment for them as part of the children's clothing business Business clothing: the basic rules of style  Business clothing: the basic rules of style
 . Very popular in the concept of school uniforms has become a fabric of Scottish cell - from how to sew her skirt for girls and for boys jackets. If we talk about brands, the majority of teachers and parents opts brands Orby, Noble People, Silver Spoon, Ravol, Russian "Salute" and "Start", Ukrainian "Milan", "Velma", "Epic" and others.

Svetlana Usankova

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