• Seven things that women find sex boring
  • Unwillingness to experiment

 boring sex
 Characteristics of "boring lover" is not included in the list of advantages of the men with whom the women would like to spend a life, or even overnight. To help you avoid this terrible fate, we have compiled a list of things that women find boring in bed. Read, remember and learn to never repeat the same mistakes, and pass a real Casanova.

1. Too cautious

The man who all his actions in bed preceded by a polite question, "Can I? "There's nothing sexual. A good lover knows how to give a woman without a word to understand their intentions and excite her, no questions asked. Closer "stripping" look or a touch of passion speaks volumes about the desire to have sex.

2. Predictability

If you connect with your partner long term relationship, sex often turns to Ruti  boring sex
 Well. Mad passion and crazy sex, which marked the beginning of your novel, partly due to the effect of spontaneity and originality. You conquered new territory, and now that the area is known to you until the last hill, lost interest. If you do not want to lose the freshness of sexual sensations and prolong the excitement and passion of the early days for many months or even years, looking for new positions and techniques to surprise your partner each time.

Do not be afraid to experiment - it's a pleasure for both of you; never let the situation reach that critical point where the partner can predict your every move. For example, if usually a prelude takes you less than five minutes, stretch it fun for fifteen minutes and cruelly torment her before quench your desire. The partner just lost my head and forget, in what light it. Soon it will happen to you.

3. Mechanical sex

Most women would agree that sex without passion just boring - a waste of time; No woman wants to be in Rodi inflatable doll - except that sometimes. Nobody says that every sexual act must be equally stunning; just should not ignore the fact that, regardless of temperament, she always wants to be a woman, and calls for a corresponding relationship. Therefore, in order to become the perfect lover Lover: the real situation  Lover: the real situation
 Enough from time to time I make love to her.

If you do not give yourself to be creative and work at one time is limited, a woman may find a less lazy partner ...

4. Laziness

Despite the fact that many women - and men - feel they should be grateful for any sexual attention, in fact, their laziness partners eventually tiring and makes look around in paragraph  boring sex
 Finding more than a smart man. So if you value the relationship, at least sometimes try to make some effort and be creative.

And here it should be mentioned that terrible word with the letter "P", which terrifies almost every man. You guessed it? That's right - the romance. In addition, you have the advantage that when the relationship has already gone too far, and the period of courtship and colors left behind, women expect from men's nothing romantic, so the sudden manifestation of tender love will make her wonder how distant planet you've arrived. The partner will want to reward you (believe me!), And here comes your turn to be surprised.

For example, in the morning, leave a love note on the table with the description of his feelings and desires, as well as write, what clothes (or not) you would like to see her on his return. Invite a woman on a romantic dinner Romantic dinner: the feast of love for two  Romantic dinner: the feast of love for two
   for two, put a beautiful slow music and re-seduce her. Dedicate your favorite soft romantic songs. Make every effort to give her unearthly pleasure in bed, and make no mistake - it will do everything to reward your efforts.

Read more Unwillingness to experiment

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