modern woman wants
 Men - very simple creatures: if a woman is attractive, they want to get to know her, and if she is also smart and interesting - to know her better. Women, meanwhile, creating a much more complicated: most of them have an impressive list of features, which should correspond to an attractive man. And women's criteria are much more complicated than men's, "beautiful", "sexy" and "smart." What do men want from a modern woman?

 What men want from a modern woman?


Women want to be sure that their chosen one can take care of themselves. The modern woman needs a man independent, able to make their own decisions, to pay for an apartment and cook dinner. Whatever one thinks of the men, no woman wants a man to perform the role of a second mother - and therefore a man, constantly in need of motivation, help and reassurance, not only attractive for the modern woman.

 What men want from a modern woman?


Women are not for nothing called the fair sex - they look much more attractive than men with their angular shapes, hairy backs, and perpetual inability to dress. One of the main advantages of women - the desire to spend time in the company of a man, despite his "monkey" appearance. However, for a woman looks a man is just as important (though not to the extent that for a man - woman's appearance) - so you should take at least some effort to minimize his own resemblance to a monkey. Women do not need much - just try not to forget about the razor, you going to wear clothes and to remain at least in some form.

 What men want from a modern woman?

A positive attitude to life

A positive attitude towards life - is another important characteristic of the "ideal" man. Cynicism and sarcasm, of course, have the right to exist, but no one wants to be around a cynic Cynic and features of life with him  Cynic and features of life with him
   constantly - it is tiring. By contrast, the presence of a number of a man capable in any situation to see something positive charges extra energy. Optimism not only makes others feel better, but it can also inspire - that's why he is on the list of characteristics that women are valued in men.

 What men want from a modern woman?

Communication skills

A good conversationalist - one of the most attractive in the eyes of the modern woman of male characteristics: the majority of women need a man with whom you can talk to who is not afraid to express his own opinion, and at the same time ready to listen to stories of the women of her hopes, desires and fears.

Perhaps, perhaps the most important communication skills - the ability to be careful: sometimes all that is required of a man a woman - it's just to listen. Meanwhile, for the man is his portrayal of the silent listener becomes a very difficult task - but if you can show a woman that can give her attention, the chances of a successful outcome goodbye increase.

 What men want from a modern woman?

The ability to support the company

Every woman needs a man, able to maintain a conversation with her co-workers, friends or parents. High "social IQ» woman's eyes - is not shy or silent partner of nature and man, do not be embarrassed when meeting strangers.

 What men want from a modern woman?

The mind

For many women, the mind - one of the keys to sexual attractiveness of men. Meanwhile, not all men can boast of academic knowledge. In order not to be in the most narrow-minded friends, avoid to express their opinion on an issue which does not know - it is better to be suspected of being stupid, than to open your mouth and get rid of the last interlocutor doubt it.

 What men want from a modern woman?


Passion - is another important characteristic that every woman wants to see in their representatives. The reason is quite clear: if a woman thinks about how to spend time with you, it is necessary to know that it can count on the adventure, excitement, excitement and wonderful sex. Therefore, if a man wants to attract a woman, he must demonstrate their passion.

Of course, eager to discuss the merits of their favorite team - not the best way to do it: much more attractive to a woman is a man's passion for his beloved work. Women like passion in a man, as a passion from one sphere of life it is possible to move to another - namely, into the bedroom.

 What men want from a modern woman?

Sense of humor

Good sense of humor - one of the characteristics that every woman wants to see in their representatives. We all know how attractive people who can talk a good time to dilute the joke, people are bored and sullen. This, however, does not mean that in order to attract a woman, you must always remain the "soul of the company." Good sense of humor just means that you know how and when to make a joke at the time.

 What men want from a modern woman?


Too often men think that everything concerned with a woman - it's money. In the case of some women this judgment really true - as in the case of some men, but women do not always attract rich men. The reason that women like men with a successful career - it's not the size of their wallet, and the evidence that a man has the power of will, discipline and talent, enough to build a career. Such a man in the eyes of a woman - the best partner.

 What men want from a modern woman?


Possession of all of the above characteristics and some of them are not always makes a man ideal in the eyes of women. The most important and most attractive women male trait - it is confidence How to gain confidence in themselves?  How to gain confidence in themselves?
 . As long as you believe in yourself and know that you have something to offer to a woman - you have a chance to win her sympathy.

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