Women's tears
 Men usually can not stand when women cry, but the reason that they are often difficult to explain. Studies suggest that such a reaction of men to women's tears programmed biologically. As it turned out, even the smell of women's tears can significantly reduce the level of testosterone in men and, to a lesser extent, their sexual desire.



Mice liquid similar to the tear fluid, is used to send chemical signals. For example, males are more aggressive when faced with such a fluid from other males. People have sex appeal, and the menstrual cycle The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?  The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?
   related to smell.

Scientists initially investigated the effect of tears of emotion, found that women's tears have an effect on sexual arousal in men. Tears do not cause sympathy or sadness.

Reduced sexual desire in men because women's tears were opened because during the study men were asked to rate their emotional reaction to the woman's tears. Influence of tears on sexual arousal was not significant, but it was pretty constant.

Psychological data were more pronounced: the impact of women's tears on the level of testosterone in men was significant, and almost as strong, so that you can compare it with the effect of the relevant drugs. Reduced testosterone level is associated with a decrease in sexual desire, which is why testosterone is used in the treatment of male sexual problems and so-called chemical castration (which reduces the level of testosterone in the body) is sometimes applied to rapists. Scientists have not yet identified a specific component of tears, which is responsible for this reaction, but they are actively searching for him.

In this regard there are many interesting questions: for example, whether it is possible to invent a drug that will give rapists to reduce the risk of possible sexual crimes? Most likely no. Even if it is open magic molecule extracted from tears, and having such action, this molecule will be widely used in medicine, but it is unlikely to become drug violence.

The reason is that not all men reported a decline in sexual desire due to women's tears, and taking into account the fact that some people like pornography, it can even make the problem worse.

Some men may be resistant to women's tears, and, what is worse, there is a real possibility that this may lead to incorrect results.

There are many situations in which an association that arises from a particular person between some smell and experience determines his attitude to the smell. If someone for the first time felt the scent of roses during the summer walks in the garden with his mother, his reaction to the rose is quite different than the one who first met with roses on her mother's funeral. Child abuse on the part of those who are taking care of them, could potentially affect the associations with smells.



During the study, researchers performed various experiments. They are involved in them people who could randomly cry during sad (Preliminary studies showed that the tears that just cleaned the eye, do not contain the same chemicals that emotional tears). Not surprisingly, virtually all donors were women crying. That's why the researchers decided to begin studying the male response to female tears, and not vice versa. In the future, they want to study the reactions between the sexes in the tears of men, women and children.

When the tears have been collected, they were placed in a jar, which is then sniffed study participants. To the men could smell, them under the nose attached cloth soaked in this solution for the duration of the experiment. 24 men participated in the first experiment, which consisted only to assess their emotional reaction to the smell and the photograph of women. Participants were offered either tears or saline solution.

Although men can not consciously distinguish between tears and saline, and were not told that the smell, which they inhale may be the smell of tears, they found the women less attractive photos that smelled of tears.

Even after watching a sad or exciting scenes from the movies, only those men who smelled of tears, we have reported the same decrease arousal. Physiologically, however, the level of testosterone in their saliva decreased while the conductivity of the skin (degree of electrical activity in the skin associated with emotional changes) increased. This means that they have been touched by the scenes pinned down, just do not feel sexual arousal.

Why women's tears contain something that reduces male sexual desire? In addition to a possible reduction in the risk of violence, such a signal can be used to avoid thinking about unwanted sex when a woman is not ovulating. Women are much more likely to cry during menstruation, which, from the point of view of evolution, not a desirable time for sexual intercourse.

Research the relationship between odors and sexual arousal only hints at the rich area of ​​research, which may also improve understanding of sexual orientation. Already there were differences between the olfactory preferences, related to sexual orientation: lesbian and heterosexual women generally find the smell of gay men less attractive than the smell of men's traditional orientation, while gay men prefer the smell of gay men. Science is only beginning to understand the different forms of chemical interactions between people.

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