yellow teeth
 You have yellow teeth and you want to whiten them? First we need to identify the cause staining of the teeth - before you decide on treatment. To keep teeth white as long as possible, you need to observe basic rules of daily dental care.


Types of teeth staining

There are two types of tooth staining: internal and external.

  • Interior painting is extremely rare and very difficult to treat. It is caused by taking drugs during pregnancy or in early childhood. In the past, antibiotics, such as tetracycline, which are given to pregnant women, cause tooth staining in green, brown or yellow. In our time, these antibiotics are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women and young children.
  • Extrinsic staining caused by pigments, located on the surface of enamel or dentin. This type of staining is caused by smoking and food (wine, tea, coffee). Poor oral hygiene is also having an impact on the external staining. If you do not brush your teeth properly, all the remains of food and tobacco will accumulate on the surface and form a characteristic staining. Bacterial infections also affect pigmentation teeth and give them a yellowish or blackish tint. The cause of yellow teeth can become dental erosion.


Causes of tooth staining

  • As a rule, yellow teeth is not a sign of pathology is the presence of foreign products on the teeth of life.
  • Yellowing teeth may be due to physiological and hereditary phenomenon that is difficult to fight. Some people or teeth whiter or more yellow.
  • Over time, the white enamel is erased, and out comes through the dentin, which is by nature yellow What color is combined yellow: Armed and Fabulous  What color is combined yellow: Armed and Fabulous
 . And the thin white layer of enamel, the brighter yellow color appears.


How it is treated

  • The external painting should reduce the consumption of food affect the color of teeth, besides, there are many ways to remove plaque. You can whiten your teeth, to seek help from professionals.
  • Interior painting, which arose as a result of the problems that emerged in early childhood or because of antibiotics, is much more difficult to cure than superficial. In this case, it is not recommended to apply the advertised whitening toothpastes. Their use will remove the layer of enamel, and teeth become a little whiter, but such pastes have a very strong grinding effect.

For all questions regarding the staining of teeth, contact your dentist. To maintain the whiteness of their teeth should stop smoking, excessive consumption of tea, coffee, red wine, regularly brush your teeth and do not abuse the bleaching agents, as they have a negative effect on the tooth surface.

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