Lose Weight correctly
 Are you tired of the constant advice and suggestions how to lose weight with different diets designed for unlimited funds and a lot of time? For many of us spend half completely unrealistic output for cooking or simply not enough money on products and services offered in the diet. There are those who are horrified by the thought that you need to constantly count calories. We offer you a few tips following which you will be able to maintain an optimal weight.

1. Do you eat out? Many restaurants serve very large portions, so if possible, make yourself something from the children's menu Children's menu: the basics of good nutrition baby  Children's menu: the basics of good nutrition baby
 Where portions of a much smaller.

2. Assume that you will always be available and easily accessible healthy snacks Low calorie snacks  Low calorie snacks
 . A bowl of fruit, a container of celery and carrots in the fridge, fruit salad to help you eat, when to lunch-dinner is still far, but there are already want.

3. Replace canned vegetables frozen.

4. Buy a steamer. Steamed vegetables - the most healthy. The food retains almost all natural nutrients. Even if you eat too much, you will not feel like such a gravity after a fatty meal.

5. Limit your meal on time. The longer you sit at the table, the more you eat.

 how to lose weight
 6. Eat several times a day. Divide your daily ration into several parts, at least three. And try not to skip breakfast - fruit, crackers, toast ...

7. Try not to drink carbonated soft drinks. They have no nutrients, solid sugar. Bring 100% fruit juice or plain water, dilute fruit.

8. Drink lots of water. It's long been known rule, but do not forget to drink at least 8 glasses a day.

9. You can not afford to buy a ticket to a sports club? No problem! Organize your friends and train together. Come up with something for everyone and is going 2-3 times a week to spend half an hour at leisure.

10. Forget the potato chips, crackers, nuts, sunflower seeds! They are very high in calories! Better snack dried fruit or yogurt. Fewer calories and use more.

And now 10 myths about dieting.

1. Reducing calories leads to rapid weight loss.   Not true! With a sharp reduction of food your stomach "thinks" that you just die from hunger and immediately begins to accumulate weight!

2. The stricter diet, the better.   Keep eating the same (eg, cabbage soup), you will likely feel uncomfortable. A week later you just hate cabbage. It is necessary to you? Choose a less severe diet or use our tips (see para. 10 above tips losing weight)

3. We need to abandon the beloved, but not useful products Eight useful products, which you thought  Eight useful products, which you thought
 .   Sooner or later, you do not soak and eat ice cream or cake. Do not be afraid, in small amounts it will not hurt you. But only a small!

4. Do not eat after six pm. In fact, it is important not how much you eat with how much you eat and how you have an active lifestyle. If you ate at seven and went to bed at 12, then there is nothing to worry about. Especially if your dinner was easy.

5. Do not snack between meals.   Not at all! A small snack will not hurt. It is better to eat crackers or an apple than to sit and think about food constantly. Think better about something more pleasant.

6. Fat is bad.   I guess, yes. But in small quantities it is useful and should be sure to include in your daily diet. But some fats are very useful, for example, contained in seafood. So eat fish.

 Lose Weight correctly
 7. Skipping meals promotes weight loss.   Conversely. Your metabolism is disturbed. Plus, you do not get enough vitamins. So better to eat often, but little by little. (see para. 10 Tips to claim 6 and losing weight)

8. Oil - harmful product.   You can use low-fat varieties of oil and low-calorie dairy products. Especially because they contain calcium which is required by the body.

9. To lose weight, you need great strength of will.   Yes, willpower plays a role. But much more of your weight depends on the genetic predisposition of the health, environmental conditions have, the level of activity.

10. A large number of water will help to lose weight.   The use of large amounts of water will not result in weight loss. Water is good for you, but the information that people lose weight on no water. Perhaps they are simply replaced with high-calorie juice or soda ordinary drinking water.

Natalia Sharygina specifically for the Women's Club

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Article Tags:
  • proper nutrition
  • How to quickly lose weight without harm to health
  • A man from the standpoint of diet