anti-cellulite cream
 Cellulite is formed mainly as a result of hormonal fluctuations; it is observed in women of any age and physique. Men usually do not have cellulite - due to the peculiarities of the same hormonal. Heredity also plays a significant role in the formation of cellulite.

Scientists say that cellulite is a structural problem; Here it is not only oil, but also in the connective tissue. Connective tissue can be imagined as a grid which retains fat closer to the muscles than in the surface of the skin - in men is exactly what happens. In some women, "cell" of the expanded grid, and fat emerges through them and are formed on the skin surface irregularities - cellulite.

There are no absolutely reliable means to combat cellulite. Even sport does not always help to deal with it. Anti-cellulite cream can be a good tool in the fight against this cosmetic defects; it is best to use it in conjunction with a healthy diet Healthy eating  Healthy eating
   and regular physical activity.

The most common active ingredients of anti-cellulite creams are:

  • Caffeine. It is believed that caffeine speeds up the processing of fat and eliminates the small swellings that form around the fat deposits, making the skin look smoother. The effectiveness of caffeine has not been proven, but it is widely touted as an effective remedy for cellulite. Caffeine is rapidly increases the elasticity of the skin and pulls it a little, so that when you use anti-cellulite creams result will be noticeable almost immediately. However, we must remember that this is the consequence of a successful disguise cellulite, and quickly disappear. Anti-cellulite cream with caffeine Caffeine - enemy or friend?  Caffeine - enemy or friend?
   - The perfect choice for those who want to quickly improve your appearance, but as a means for long-term treatment of cellulite it is ineffective.
  • Aminophylline breaks down fat cells into fatty acids, and removes and smooths out skin irregularities that appear in cellulite. Generally, aminophylline - a cure for asthma, and it has only recently begun to be used in the manufacture of anti-cellulite creams. Creams containing aminophylline, should be stored away from heat sources and use quickly - they will soon deteriorate, losing their effectiveness.
  • Retinol is included in the composition of certain anti-cellulite creams, as it improves the texture of the skin material. It is an ingredient of many anti-wrinkle creams, but its effectiveness as a means to combat cellulite is still in doubt. It is believed that retinol increases the density of the epidermis and improve blood circulation in skin. Because retinol degraded when exposed to sunlight, creams with this ingredient generally intended for use at night.
  • Alpha-hydroxy acids are not digested fat cells, but they exfoliate dead skin cells, visibly improving skin condition. These acids are a part of many popular wrinkle cream, but, because they give the skin elasticity, they are added in anti-cellulite creams. The more elastic skin is, the less noticeable cellulite will - and this is a big step towards improving the appearance of the problematic parts of the body.
  • Herbal ingredients. Citric acid, acetic acid and some other acids, derived from plants, tone the skin and improve its texture, though not having any direct influence subcutaneous fat.

Also in the cream can be found:

  • Chili oil

It may seem unusual, but many manufacturers of cosmetics to include in their anti-cellulite creams chili oil. When applied to the skin it causes a sensation of heat, which occurs due to the acceleration of blood circulation in the skin. Intensive blood flow means that nutrients will get into the skin and toxins are removed from it more effectively. However, be careful when using anti-cellulite creams with chilli oil - abuse can lead to discomfort and even skin irritation.

  • Copper Peptides

Copper peptides stimulate collagen production in the skin, and thus increase its elasticity. As already mentioned, the more flexibility and elasticity of the skin, the less noticeable cellulite.

  • Aminophylline

Aminophylline - perhaps one of the most interesting ingredients, which can be found as a part of anti-cellulite cream. This substance acts as a bronchodilator and is included in an asthma medication, a dermal aminophylline reduces the size of fat cells, and helps to cope with the swelling.

  • Ivy extract

Ivy extract is part of many cosmetic products, including anti-cellulite creams. It has antifungal and anthelmintic action. In the production of anti-cellulite creams ivy extract is used for its ability to penetrate deep into the skin to stimulate blood circulation and remove toxins from the tissues.

  • Evening primrose oil

This substance stimulates the metabolic processes in the tissues, promotes better nutrition of the skin and making it more elastic.

  • Vitamin E

Vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant, anti-aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
 And improves the flow of oxygen to the deeper layers of the skin.

Starting to use any anti-cellulite cream, it is important to have realistic expectations. No cream can not completely rid you of cellulite. In addition, you will have to constantly maintain the achieved result - for this you need to eat right and move a lot.

Most anti-cellulite creams

Today on sale constantly bring new anti-cellulite creams and choose the one that is really effective is not easy. About the most important in these creams are usually written in small letters on the back side of the package - in the list of ingredients.

  • Biotherm Cellulilaser

This cream prevents hardening of collagen fibers and stimulates the synthesis of new collagen fibers. Thus, it can be used for the prevention of aggravation of cellulitis as well as for its treatment.

  • Vichy CelluDestock

The ingredients of the cream promote the breakdown of fat by stimulating the expression of proteins that by limiting the intake of calories is instructed on the use of "strategic stocks" of subcutaneous fat. According to the results of clinical trials using this cellulite cream significantly reduced after four weeks.

  • Avon Anew Clinical Body Contouring Treatment

According to the advertisement, the cream stimulates the degradation of fat, prevents the formation of new fat cells and makes the skin more elastic and smooth. The effect of this cream on the top layer of skin condition confirmed in clinical trials, but its effect on fat cells has not been proven. Nevertheless, 82% of women in two weeks notice positive changes.

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