nice lips
 Smooth, soft and seductively luscious lips - one of the most important indicators of beauty. But in the winter to maintain the beauty of the lips is not easy, since at this time increases the tendency to dry the skin, causing the lips to crack and bleed.

The skin of the lips is very sensitive, so the lip is almost defenseless against the vicissitudes of the weather and react instantly to even the most minor fluctuations in temperature, humidity and even a change in diet Diet: food, without which you can not do  Diet: food, without which you can not do
 . Sudden changes in temperature, warm in the cold room and on the street - that's the main reason for peeling and cracking of the skin of the lips.

Do not neglect the care of the skin Skin Care as a habit  Skin Care as a habit
   lips, make it an integral part of your skin care program, if you want the lips remain soft and healthy.

First of all, start to use lip balm. It is very effective, but one only balm for most people is not enough.

Those who smokes or is the wrong way of life, should find professional products for the hygiene of the lips and at least once a week to visit the beauty salon. Inside perform peeling lips with papaya enzymes, make a gentle massage of the lips and inflict a moisturizing mask.

In the process of peeling exfoliates dead skin cells and opens a new, clear skin collagen mask helps to restore the damaged surface of the lips, as well as nourishes and moisturizes the skin layer, freed from dead cells, which ensures a good protection from its "birth".

At home, the condition of the skin of the lips can be improved with the help of professional cosmetics. Before going to bed apply a thin layer of lip balm and leave for 15 minutes, then remove the remnants nevpitavshiesya balm soft cloth.

Remember that the skin of the lips does not contain the pigment melanin Which foods contain melanin - skin care  Which foods contain melanin - skin care
 So without adequate protection, it burns quickly in the sun. Therefore, hygiene lips requires special attention - before going out be sure to use a lip balm with sunscreen.

Do not lick and bite her lips. Drink plenty of fluids, how to moisturize the skin, especially lips. Take vitamin supplements and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Follow these simple tips - and your lips to maintain the beauty and health throughout the winter.

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