how to effectively lose weight fast
 Most women go all out to stay slim and fit. The most popular methods of how to quickly and effectively lose weight are all sorts of diets. Sometimes it happens that a woman adheres to all recommendations, and there are no results. Or halfway, she realizes that he can not overcome all the way and diet becomes severe torment. What's the matter? Before you start the fight against obesity, astrologers recommend to look at the lunar calendar.


Lose Weight, looking at the moon

On a month-growing human body begins to accumulate stocks. If you go on a diet at this time, all the heroic efforts and suffering prove unjustified. Between the first and second quarter of the moon it is recommended to rely on a balanced diet and not losing weight.

Full Moon, according to experts, is the most favorable time to start a diet. During this period, the body is prone to a better perception of limitations, so the feeling of undersaturation transferred more easily. When the moon wanes in the process of cleansing the body from various deposits. What you can not afford to deny ever, regardless of the diet - mineral water without gas. The best time for the diet - the new moon. You can even arrange a fasting day Discharge day weight - minus health - a plus!  Discharge day weight - minus health - a plus!
 That is, a one-day fasting Fasting - this is natural  Fasting - this is natural
 Because your body just cleared. However, provided it allows health.


Golden rules for a perfect figure

To keep fit and to discards centimeters did not return to their former places of dislocation, a woman should know some of the rules of a healthy diet.

  • Rule 1. Fewer calories, well-chewed food

It is necessary to control their habits at the dinner table. For most people, the daily stress is able to bring up the fact that even during the meal they feel pressed for time, so quickly swallow without prozhёvyvaya food, rather than dine. Those who long chews food, eat less.

  • Rule 2: A glass of wine during meals reduces appetite

This inhibits the flow of carbohydrates in the blood, while the digestion of the stomach proteins slows, respectively, and reduced appetite. A similar effect is also achieved with the help of a piece of pineapple before eating. The enzyme, which is in pineapples, so processes a protein that is completely absorbed the stomach and intestines. Even a small amount of pineapple gives a feeling of saturation.

  • Rule 3. Barley water - an excellent fat burner Fat: no excess weight  Fat: no excess weight

In American hospitals overweight patients receive so-called "barley water." This drink can be prepared independently: 50 grams of germinated barley grains brewed ¼ liter of water and cook about half an hour under the lid closed. The mass was poured in a fine sieve and filtered. The broth is drunk throughout the day.

  • Rule 4. Cold water improves metabolism

The healing properties of cold water are known since ancient times. Taking a warm shower, good for slimming pour cold water. First, throw the right hand, left foot, right hand, left hand, chest, buttocks and back. If you dare to not do it, you can make a dry brush massage.

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