how to become beautiful
 Virtually every woman is given this question at least once in their lives, though most do it more often. Work on your own beauty starts from within; external attributes must be organic complement internal state.

 How to become beautiful - start with self-love

The belief in the beauty

A person who feels ugly, so it will be perceived by others. Look at yourself carefully consider your pictures, learn to find beauty in what you see. Work with your insecurities and complexes; Stop talking and thinking about the fact that you are not attractive enough for someone or something. Learn to see the beauty in others and in all that surrounds you. Step away from the generally accepted standards, and try to see the world as if you saw it the first time. If you get to see him, not comparing with glossy stereotypes, you will find a lot of amazing beauty. And learn to see the beauty in themselves.

 How to become beautiful - start with self-love

Clear skin

Of course, even a man with the rich inner world should not ignore their own appearance. Clean skin - one of the mandatory attributes of beauty. For someone it is almost perfect by nature, but someone has to put a lot of effort to deal with acne, redness, and other imperfections. Find the makeup that fits the needs of your skin type; If necessary, consult a dermatologist. At least once a week to steam the skin to remove dead skin cells and makes cleansing mask. Morning and evening, clean the skin with the help of funds that do not contain alcohol and soap. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables - these products are well effect on skin condition.

 How to become beautiful - start with self-love

Beautiful hair

If you are not satisfied with the color of your hair, paint their colors which do not contain ammonium - they cause minimal damage to the hair. Better yet, use natural dyes - henna and basma. Using them separately or mixing, you can get a wide range of shades - from copper-red to jet black.

It is strongly recommended to give up curling irons and hair. There are no ugly textures of hair, but women are constantly striving to straighten curls or curl straight hair, which is why they become brittle and dull.

The hair of any length can and should be beautiful. Chic hair to her waist - it is certainly nice, but it can afford only those whom nature endowed with thick and strong hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 . If you is not the case, do not worry - the main thing to choose a hairstyle How to choose a hairstyle - Mirror, mirror, tell me ...  How to choose a hairstyle - Mirror, mirror, tell me ...
 That is suitable to you and take good care of hair. Every time washing your hair, apply conditioner on them. Use as indelible balms, and at least once a week, make a mask for hair Hair masks: professional versus home - what to prefer?  Hair masks: professional versus home - what to prefer?

 How to become beautiful - start with self-love

Healthy teeth

There can be no beauty without healthy teeth. Follow the basic rules of dental care - clean them at least twice a day, once a day, use floss. Every six months going through a dental examination and make a professional dental cleaning. Never procrastinate dental treatment.

 How to become beautiful - start with self-love

Discreet make-up

Learn to be painted so that the make-up was almost imperceptible. Ideally suited to skin color powder, lipstick or lip gloss neutral color, a bit of pink blush, brown mascara - that's all you need to emphasize the natural beauty.

 How to become beautiful - start with self-love

Keep your body in good shape

Watch your weight and maintain muscle tone, but without extremes. You do not need strict diet and if you are not engaged in professional sports, from the grueling workouts, too, can give up - this is not the best way to take care of health. Find the type of physical activity that appeals to you the most, and exercise with pleasure. Maybe you've always wanted to dance, but it was not the time, the forces, even some resources? Start today. Not only does that beautiful as the realization that he carries out his dream. In addition, during exercise the body produces endorphins - so called hormones of joy that make you feel happier and more confident.

 How to become beautiful - start with self-love

Get enough sleep

Today, almost everyone is facing the consequences of lack of sleep. Over the past hundred years, we have to sleep much less, although the rate of sleep has not changed - changed living conditions and requirements that we make to yourself. Try to find sleep at least 6, 5 hours a day. For most people it is - a necessary minimum, which allows the state to maintain its normal (that is - not to fall asleep at work, while driving or on the move).

 How to become beautiful - start with self-love


Do not slouch. Watch your posture when walking down the street, running, talking to a boss. Royal posture can make a beautiful gray mouse, a hunched back make imperceptible charm of a symmetrical face, slim waist and slender legs.

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