hair tinting
 Toning hair - it's a great alternative to traditional coloring. It gives women the opportunity to endlessly experiment without fear for the state of their hair, which is not true of persistent staining. Toning - is giving the hair a certain tone, hue, which is close to the original color, it makes the hair more vibrant and the image - bright. If you use permanent hair dyes, and have never experienced the possibility of rendering, then perhaps you should try.

Toning - this hair coloring, but it takes a different scenario. Conventional resistant paint thanks to the content of ammonia provides a deep penetration of the color pigments inside the hair column, helping them to gain a foothold and stay as long as possible. Toning - this is enveloping the hair color without penetration, and penetration of the surface of the pigment without fixing. Toning popupermanentnogo as a method, which means that fugitive dye has both advantages and disadvantages. What will be more - it is an individual matter, because some women show a painting, others may well do toning.

 Tinting Hair secure change for the better


Toning is a gentle unstable staining. His sought by applying to the hair the composition where there is no fixer-ammonia, and the oxidant is contained in much smaller quantities. If persistent staining involves 6% -12% strength oxidant, the oxidant used in the tinting of 1, 3 to 9%. This is on the one hand many advantages, because the hair is less damaged. For example, to lighten dark hair will need oxidant 12% - is a huge stress on the hair, which can then be restored. Toning hair does not put to such a test, but also the ability to change hair color has limited.

With the help of rendering impossible or brown-haired brunette become a bright blonde, because the low percentage of oxidizer will not be able to split the dark pigments. If a woman wants to do the opposite - to change the light color of the hair to a darker, it is possible, but preferably only in a beauty salon Beauty, from hairstyles to krioliftinga  Beauty, from hairstyles to krioliftinga
 Where the master barber will control the amount of oxidant and time of exposure was on the hair.

Otherwise, if you decide independently from blonde to brunette reincarnated passionate tones of chocolate, do not be surprised if suddenly the hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   pops rich red shade, or in the worst case, a greenish tone. If you are planning a radical repainting using tinting paint with a high content of ashy color, the original Goldilocks may suddenly discover blue or brilliant green tide on the hair. Toning is safe in the sense of respect for the structure of the hair, but in the case of misused, then the result will be disastrous.

 Tinting Hair secure change for the better

Sparing regimen

Toning is possible to carry out in its most intrusive option - with the help of shampoos, gels, balms, foams, masks, which do not involve the introduction of oxidant. This is the easiest option, the hair is not damaged at all, the color goes very quickly. Such toning suitable for frequent use as a measure to maintain the color after dyeing or color saturation in the case, if the hair is severely damaged and touch even the minimum percentage of the oxidizing agent is not desirable.

Another type of toning - a combination of colorant and oxidant from 1, 9 to 3%. For example, the lowest percentage will need to do black hair more vibrant and give them a reddish tone. A larger percentage is needed if you plan to small netemnyh lightening hair to give them a new hue, golden or ashy. Hue holds up to 4 weeks, gradually washing away and losing saturation.

Tinting can be used as an alternative to staining, unless you want a radical change color. Natural blonde and natural brunette can always resort to this method to give hair a different color in the range of 1-2 tones. You can also tint the hair in between persistent coloration that reduces the aggressive action of the hair.

Eugene Zhirkina

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