• Hemorrhoids - how to avoid unpleasant consequences
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 Hemorrhoids - a disorder in which the hemorrhoidal veins dilate, the hump-forming units, and sometimes they begin inflammation. These veins are located in the wall of the rectum and anus, and normally do not cause any problems. Hemorrhoids are a very common and extremely unpleasant disease, but usually it does not lead to serious complications.


Causes of Hemorrhoids

The primary cause of hemorrhoids is increased pressure in the tiny blood vessels, which is why the hemorrhoidal veins may become inflamed and expand. Pressure may be increased due to the following factors:

  • Insufficient amount of dietary fiber in the human diet. Because of this chair it becomes hard, difficult bowel movements, and the pressure inside the blood vessels located in the walls of the anus, is increased;
  • Pregnancy is another factor that increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids. This is due to the fact that increases in size the uterus of a pregnant woman is quite presses on the rectum, and in addition, hormonal changes during pregnancy leads to a weakening of the muscles of the body, including those that surround the hemorrhoidal veins;
  • Obesity;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Colon cancer;
  • Moved previous surgery on the rectum;
  • Spinal cord injury.


Symptoms of hemorrhoids

The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids are painless rectal bleeding, itching in the anus, pain, inflammation, swelling and the emergence of tangible nodules in the anus.

It is important to remember that rectal bleeding, painless or even not very abundant, under any circumstances, is not the norm. Its cause may be relatively harmless hemorrhoids, as well as more serious diseases such as diverticulitis, ulcer in the anus, inflammatory bowel disease, and cancers, including - malignant. Therefore, this symptom in any case can not be ignored - it is necessary immediately after its occurrence to see a doctor; This is especially important if you are taking blood thinning medication.

Sometimes, as a result of inflammation of hemorrhoidal veins of the anus begins to secrete mucus, which can cause inflammation, burning and itching of the skin around the anus. In addition to hemorrhoids, such symptoms may cause some infectious diseases.



Once the patient is the doctor describe their symptoms, usually performed a rectal examination, in which the doctor can find abnormal nodules fingers and convexity characteristic of hemorrhoids. Inspection may be complicated by severe pain and inflammation in the patient. In addition, hemorrhoids and constipation often lead to the formation of anal fissures, or damage to the skin around the anus, which is why during rectal examination may be severe pain and spasms. However, such an inspection is necessary for the diagnosis of hemorrhoids.

If the doctor is not sure that the patient's symptoms are caused by hemorrhoids it is (most often such doubts arise regarding rectal bleeding) may be appointed as anoscopy. This procedure was carried out with a special tool which is inserted into the anus of the patient. If the doctor will suspect that the bleeding does not begin in the rectum or anus, it can refer the patient to sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. Such procedures spends a gastroenterologist or surgeon.

In addition, depending on the situation, are assigned different blood tests. For example, if the patient has severe rectal bleeding, usually conducted analyzes on the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells.



If the hemorrhoids have not led to the appearance of symptoms persist, it is sufficient prophylactic treatment, which usually consists in a change of diet so as to avoid constipation or diarrhea. Patients are encouraged to eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, and drink plenty of water Why do you need to drink a lot of water - the rationale for  Why do you need to drink a lot of water - the rationale for
 . Those who are suffering from diarrhea, usually prescribed medications that normalize chair. These preventive measures help to prevent an increase in pressure inside the blood vessels, prevent inflammation. If the hemorrhoids have caused more or less severe symptoms, you need to use other methods of treatment - which is dependent on the stage of the disease.

  • Stage 1 - nodules located inside the rectum and anus, symptoms of mild and appear only occasionally. Sometimes maybe minor bleeding.
  • Stage 2 - nodes increases, and this leads to a more pronounced symptoms. Sometimes knots may fall out - usually it happens during a bowel movement - but then again they are pulled inward.
  • Stage 3. The nodes fall outwards spontaneously, without the prior voltage (such as defecation), and patients frequently self-pushed into them.
  • Stage 4. Hemorrhoids are located outside, and can cause severe pain when the patient sits or moves. Defecation is also becoming extremely painful.

In the first step of hemorrhoids usually assigned symptomatic treatment. To reduce inflammation, cure constipation and relieve pain, medication used most often - over the counter. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe a patient lidocaine or hydrocortisone.

The second and third stages of hemorrhoids can be used different techniques for damage hemorrhoids. Most often in the veins are special preparations, because of which the walls of the veins become more firm and compact, and blood flow in these veins is limited.

For the treatment of patients with the fourth stage of hemorrhoids usually given surgery to remove hemorrhoids.



When nonsurgical treatment of hemorrhoids relapse occurs in approximately 50% of cases after surgical treatment - only 5%. In most cases, patients need lifelong follow a special diet to prevent a new aggravation of hemorrhoids.

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