ideal figure
 Ideal figure - the dream of many, but not many are exactly how it should look. Large breasts, slim hips, flat stomach and wasp waist - always they are essential indicators of the ideal to which all seek so passionately? Before entering the race for the one hand, the ephemeral, and on the other, quite appreciable category, it is necessary, first, objectively considered data available, and secondly, to carefully analyze that need to be corrected and how it should be do.


Ideal figure - not a myth but a reality

Adequate assessment of their appearance in the struggle for the perfect figure - the first step towards the realization of all the necessary steps. You are overweight? He has many. Do you make (or you are going to do) something to change the situation? If the answer is yes, you will soon achieve tangible results and can boast of a beautiful body. If it is uncertain, to urgently take himself in hand. Many men and women can not achieve the desired results over the years, and all because of:

  • lack of motivation (no apparent reason for the acquisition of harmony, for example, if a man says that this love);
  • uncertainty of the direction of motion (do not understand the process of achieving the perfect figure, which lives only in dreams, although the complex effort, it can become a reality);
  • by permanent self-pity (hence seizing stress (live once - is it possible to deny themselves in tasty), lack of exercise (I'm too tired / tired at work to download the press in the evening).

There are many reasons because of which people will throw in a vicious circle, and one solution - to understand their complexes and purposefully move towards the ideal figure.


Nutrition, exercise, sleep

Achieving perfect (from their perspective) figures - the process time-consuming and it may take several months, depending on the input data. But whatever the shortcomings, their removal is achieved by the fundamental principles. To get the figure of your dreams, you need to spend more than is consumed with food. If you ate cake with calorie 600 calories, please get rid of them through physical activity.

When Sophia Loren journalists to ferret out the secret of her slimness, the famous Italian replied - Spaghetti .  Someone might think that the film star flirted, but this is unlikely because .  This is her proof of that, as and when there is no less important that there .  Cake, eaten in the morning, before lunch can burn during the morning promenade on the job, if you eat it in the evening by watching a favorite program lying on the couch, do not doubt that it will be postponed to the waist or in the sides .  To achieve a perfect figure, and its preservation is necessary to comply with diet, not only limiting the consumption of sweet, flour and fat, but also rationally redistributing the nutritional value of food eaten .  The most abundant food intake should account for up to 16 . 00, there is a need for at least four times a day, enriching the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits savory - they contribute to the gastrointestinal tract, give the body energy without delay in oil, unlike fast carbohydrates .  Protein foods (meat, fish, cheese) can prolong the feeling of satiety .  Be sure to drink about two liters of water a day - it helps to maintain an optimal level of metabolism in which the body will not accumulate fat .

Movement is life. This postulate can not be deleted from the program gaining harmony. If there is a significant excess weight training two to three times a week are required - they will help burn fat and sculpt a new body. Cardio (or aerobic) load, including running, swimming, dancing, hiking and walking contributes to the smooth melting fat and strength training, aimed at bringing in muscle tone with the formation of the beautiful terrain of the body. Muscle load must be carried out after the warm-up, and the final stage of any workout is stretching, which prevents pain and injuries.

Sleeping in our dynamic time becoming more luxury, and it is often overlooked, and, moreover, almost never think about how important sleep for the figure. International experience has shown that if a person sleeps about four hours a day, the body will store fat, putting it in a typical female problem areas - in the stomach and hips. Moreover, it is necessary to sleep at night, not in fits and starts, or lying down at dawn.


Adequate assessment or outside perspective

If you want to find an ideal figure, specify this definition for myself. Do not blindly rely on glossy fashion spreads, where photos of models are processed on computer programs. First of all, you should realize that it is not in numbers, but in health and harmony. Perhaps your physique is such that you do not get a waist of 55 cm, because your figure - 65-70.

The lack of a significant body fat, muscle tone, buttocks tightened and smooth healthy skin without cellulite Cellulite  Cellulite
 . This is the perfect figure, which will vary depending on the individual and the constitution. It inspires and it is achievable - you just make an effort.

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