Irish sweater
 Aran Islands - three pieces of sushi rocky Sushi - Japanese delicacy  Sushi - Japanese delicacy
   in the Bay of Galway, a few dozen kilometers from the west coast of Ireland. These islands are windswept and the climate is quite harsh - the place for warm, thick sweaters.

 Irish sweater twisted fashion for the cozy winter


Prototypes on Aran sweaters knit countries a long time ago .  However, he long remained mostly known to the local population .  During the First World War, the islands began to develop rapidly fishing .  This job was perfect girls from coastal regions of Scotland - First, they are well known fishing business, and secondly, because many of them were not married or widowed because of the war, they could travel freely .  It is these women who came to the Aran Islands to engage in fishing, taught local women knitting traditional Scottish patterns .  As a result, the exchange of experiences sweaters pattern began to change, and today for the famous Irish knit sweaters are not only traditional Aran patterns .  In 1930 on the Aran Islands, opened the first store was selling Irish sweaters, and in 1940 began exporting sweaters to other countries, including the US .

Interestingly, although the Irish sweater is often called "the fisherman sweater," the researchers doubt that this clothing was widespread among fishermen. Traditional Aran sweaters that are knitted to the early 20th century, were so thick that they could significantly hamper the movement - and this is absolutely not what we need fishermen.

 Irish sweater twisted fashion for the cozy winter


 Irish sweater
 Irish knit sweaters are usually of unpainted quite heavy, wool (this is their most obvious difference from other fishermen's sweaters - Guernsey, which are knitted from the more subtle and often dyed wool) .  Thick hair is best suited for traditional patterns vyvyazyvaniya Irish sweaters; In addition, sweaters knitted from thick thread faster than the thin, that has a significant practical advantage .  The most common patterns on Irish sweaters are braids, diamonds and zigzags .  Many Irish sweaters are distinguished by the presence of several vertical slats with different patterns .  The width of the central plank is generally approximately equal to the width of the neck on either side of it - a narrow symmetrical straps .  A patterned front and rear side can differ sweater .  Earlier designs of sweaters had special significance - they could symbolize the clan to which belonged to the people, or serve as amulets .  It is believed that sometimes patterns on sweaters identify dead bodies into the sea fishermen .

 Irish sweater twisted fashion for the cozy winter

Irish sweaters today

Today some types of Irish sweaters knitted by machines, but the most challenging of the traditional patterns can not be reproduced by a machine knitting .  On Arnskih islands, of course, there are plenty of souvenir shops, and even a small market selling Irish sweaters mnozhenstvo any color and size .  However, not all of them are related to the Aran Islands; many of them knit somewhere in other parts of Ireland, and often beyond .  All this can be bought on the largest of the Aran Islands, and for some of the best contemporary Irish sweaters need to poison the islet of Inishmaan - wide piece of land a little more than one long - about four .  Here is the headquarters of the company that presents its collections in Paris, Milan and New York .  Tarlach de Blacam, designer and owner of the company, creating knitted garments by using the latest technologies, but his Irish sweaters are often more authentic than the goods of souvenir shops .  There are a compromise between the traditional, but not always comfortable to wear viscous, and modern clothing, which should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable .

These hand-knit Irish sweaters can be found on the largest of the Aran Islands - Inishmore, but far from the clusters of stores. Next to the old fort Dun Inacio there are several shops where you can buy a sweater, knitted by hand on the islands - the highest quality, cozy and very durable. It is no accident the islanders, handing just bought and packed a sweater, saying: "May you live long enough to endure it."

 Irish sweater twisted fashion for the cozy winter

Autumn-Winter 2010-2011

 Irish sweater season 2010 2011
 Stores that specialize in the sale of knitted things in the Irish style, in the autumn-winter 2010-2011 at risk of being rather quickly exhausted. They are flooded with crowds of fashionistas, learn about the latest trends, one of which declared an Irish sweater with its unforgettable "pigtails."

If such a thing was previously reserved exclusively lovers to spend cold evenings with a cup of cocoa at the window behind which sweeps the snow, then with the light hand of such names as Prada and Marc Jacobs heavy knitwear gaining new space. And now that in the last season may seem a classic rural tourism, included in the rank of refined Parisian chic. And no one can take the fashionista in the Irish sweater for the lover of comfort and coziness, very far from the modern fashion.

Perhaps it is the autumn-winter 2010-2011 became a turning point for knitted fabrics in this style. For the first time after a surge of popularity in the sixties, the Irish sweater can be called a real trend of the season. In 1960 in the movie "Let's Make Love" wore a blue sweater Marilyn Monroe. In 1999 it was purchased at an auction house Gerard Darel, then to once again become a novelty of the season.

As a result, the modern version of an Irish sweater can easily displace a fashionable Olympus smooth knit jumper, which seem to be safe and universal parts. With the proviso, however, that the Irish jersey will still be given a fresh look, and he will be able to compete in a more concise practical things.

It is necessary to seek by all means to abandon its universal image and give it elegance and femininity. This can be done using a combination of bulky sweaters with flowing skirts in the style of the fifties, a translucent dress, as well as possible to reassure a daring piece of rock image of leather trousers. A good companion heavy Irish knit thin strap will be placed just above the natural waistline.

And, of course, it is possible to give the image of a mini-dress, wearing a sweater with matt tights, felt hat and classic boots that will not allow the girl in a jersey to be like one of Irish fishermen.

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Article Tags:
  • sweaters
  • Trends Spring-Summer 2011
  • Clothes needed winter "warm" mode