• Terms of combinations of colors in clothes: color question
  • Style Tips

 color combinations advice on style

Combinations of colors, style tips

Every day people ask themselves questions: Is this my tie? Which blouse to wear with these pants? And the answers are directly dependent on one factor - the color. To just clothes became elaborate ensemble, can not do without the rules of color combinations.

A full understanding of colors and their range - a long process, but a quick recipe exists. In the world of art and fashion, there are dozens and even hundreds more complex rules, but let's leave them to professionals. This article - a few simple and ready-to-use advice.

 Terms of combinations of colors in clothes: color question - Tips on style

White shirt is suitable for anything

When everything else is losing, can only raise the white flag ... and win! After all, a white shirt goes with everything, including things unusual colors that you were not due to lack of fumes. White shirt can be worn under a suit or a saturated color pastel vest - in any case you will look outside the box and elegant. Classic Cotton white shirt should be sewn out of good material and good to sit and then its price will not be less than the value of gold corresponding weight.

 Terms of combinations of colors in clothes: color question - Tips on style

Grey + bright color =?

For any experiment with color is not a flop, turn ensemble in a little gray. This color is able to control all shades, including those individually seem unacceptably bright. Therefore, whether it is a flash of color on trendy accessory or a bright thing, add her gray sweater, trousers or jacket. So you not only will emphasize a strong, saturated color, but also enjoy the effect of gray - a classic, elegant, but this season more and fashionable colors.

 Terms of combinations of colors in clothes: color question - Tips on style

Do not wear colored pants

No matter who you are and what you do: give up the temptation to buy the bright pants. Trousers - very conservative center of your wardrobe, which is to abandon the radical experiments with color. Bright pants declare themselves too loudly, so never wear pants, brighter than a jacket or top. Bottom - the foundation of any band, so whatever you can afford - it's classic jeans or pants calm tones.

 color combinations advice on style

And two more advice for those who are still committed to the understanding of color combinations ...

 Terms of combinations of colors in clothes: color question - Tips on style

Combine the equivalent color

For best results, combined to be combined not only the color but also the chosen colors. This means that each color in the ensemble should be no brighter than the rest. To test whether this is so, mentally photograph a new ensemble in the black-and-white camera. Those colors that are on the "Photos" look as similar shades of gray - ideal candidates for combination. Therefore, pastel colors - to pastel and bright - a bright and rich, dark - to the same dark.

 Terms of combinations of colors in clothes: color question - Tips on style

Opposites Attract

Earn a lot of compliments Compliments  Compliments
 Combining even the most vivid colors How to wear bright colors: 7 Tips  How to wear bright colors: 7 Tips
 . How? Combine together the colors of these base pairs: red and green, yellow and purple, orange and blue. These combinations as if they say that you are confident in its style and enough expert in the field of clothing. Indeed, such a combination is not only not hurt the eyes, but affect the wealth of color and attract attention.

  • Complementary colors attract the attention of others, so if you do not want to look too flashy and stand out from the crowd, do not experiment with them.
  • Although the contrast created by the combination of complementary colors can look very impressive, eye it can be tiring.
  • Dresses created with a combination of monochrome, analogue or complementary colors, with the basic elements in a neutral color, relevant, always and everywhere.

Brown is regarded as neutral, so combined with almost any sector of the color circle. For example, chocolate brown looks great with a royal blue, fuchsia Fuchsia clothing - fashion neon splendor  Fuchsia clothing - fashion neon splendor
   or bright red - get a very bright and defiant combination. Black, white and shades of blue, which often represented denim also are neutral and are paired with almost all colors.

It is also allowed to use colors that are part of "color family". Pink, for example, can be replaced by red, which will also look good in combinations, compiled with the help of the color wheel (for example, blue and red sectors form a right angle, and you can not go wrong if you combine dress royal blue bag fuchsia).

 color combinations advice on style

As for accessories, choosing belts and jewelery best to stick to moderation. But when choosing hats, bags, shoes and scarves can afford any madness. To dress warm colors are best gold jewelry or "golden." At the heart of warm colors is always yellow, gold or orange undertone. With clothes cool colors look great silver jewelry or "under the silver." Cool colors mean blue, pink or red undertones. As the colors differ in hue, temperature, intensity and tone, each group may be either warm or cold, depending on halftones underlying.

The color wheel can also be used to create a make-up, combined with your dress. This will help you look stunning without much effort.

The combination of colors - in any case ambiguous task. But this ability can be called one required for each, even in small volume. Five rules should be listed base, beginning. Despite all the restrictions, fashion has always encourage bold experimentation and allocates the fans of unusual combinations. Prove to yourself and others that you know how to dress better than most discerning fashionista.

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