care for dark skin
 Dark skin - a natural given that for many white-skinned is the subject of admiration. But as any skin, it requires regular maintenance which is characterized by a skin care to another, and this is not only due to the peculiarities of color. Caring for dark skin requires attention to its external and internal features that can not be neglected, saving money and effort to maintain the beauty and health.


Features dark skin care

Many women with white skin seems that the owner of dark skin have much less of a problem. Because in their face redness does not arise, there is no uneven color or dull tone, and pimples and black spots do not bother, because they simply can not see, or they are not so noticeable. But this is true only in part, because dark skin has a problem no less than white, but they are of a different nature.

The apparent advantage of her dark skin is less prone to the formation of early wrinkles, smooth texture and fullness. Owners of such skin really spared the problems of premature aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
   skin, dotted with wrinkles and sagging affected. Swarthy skin ages later - is an indisputable fact, so the arsenal of cosmetics for everyday use for a long time may not include anti-aging creams and masks.

Such skin from nature are often inclined to fat content and expanded pores - issues that entail pimples, blackheads, irritation. Since dark skin much thicker than white, the gentle exfoliation to get rid of particles ogorovevshih and clogged pores, can be carried out on a daily basis. It allows her to breathe by opening the pores, making it a healthy glow becomes necessary for the aesthetic beauty of this type of skin.

Myth is no need to use tools with sunscreen. Despite the fact that dark skin pigmented, it needs the same protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation as white skin. Of course, using creams with UV-filter, the woman not only prevents sunburn and sunburn How to protect your skin from sunburn?  How to protect your skin from sunburn?
 She spends prevent desiccation, premature aging and cancer. Therefore, if you are the owner of dark skin creams with SPF should definitely be in your purse.


Cleansing and moisturizing - the path to a healthy glow

One problem with dark skin - to form pore clogging comedones Comedones  Comedones
   and inflamed pimples that do not necessarily represent the pustules, but they are almost always inflamed and form uneven terrain and soreness. To prevent such troubles should be thoroughly cleaned with the use of long gels, toners, scrubs.

Humidification - a necessary step for any skin care and dark, it is necessary to preserve radiance any time of year. Moisturizing creams, lotions mask nourishes the skin with moisture and leveled her tone, eliminating areas dullness and peeling. Pawn beautiful and radiant skin - regular exfoliation (because of the fat content and large pores), which should be carried out with soft means no alcohol. Moisturize dark skin should be an easy means of gel texture. In the summer it can be gel or a cream-gel, in the winter you can choose the texture with nutritional formulas, but not oversaturated skin oils.

All these points are necessary to care not only for skin, but also the body. Among the means for the soul must be a mild exfoliating scrub, which can complement the use of good washcloths. After the shower should be applied to the skin moisturizing milk or lotion.


Cosmetics for dark skin

Health and beauty of dark skin are willing to support a variety of manufacturers that produce for her entire cosmetic line.

  • Mark Ametis offers cheap cosmetics, in its lines, you can find a wide range of products for looking after dark skin.
  • The scheme funds Nuhanciam can find high-quality makeup for dark skin, which will help to keep the tone of smooth and radiant.
  • Dark-skinned supermodel Iman produces cosmetics brand, called his own name - Iman tools designed for women of different races, and its range can be found as a decorative and high-end cosmetics for comprehensive care.
  • Exclusively focused on dark skin cosmetics brand Mela'Aura - its lines has all that is needed to maintain the beauty, youth and health of the skin type.

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