• Cosmetics for tanning in a solarium - exclusively natural ingredients
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 Cosmetics for tanning
 Thanks solarium you can get a fresh new look and a bronze tan all year round. But do not forget to use special funds for tanning.

 Cosmetics for tanning in a solarium - exclusively natural ingredients

Why do I need to use cosmetics for tanning

  • Resistance Sun

The great advantage of tanning in a solarium - they make more persistent tan. This means that you can enjoy longer and save tanned skin, rarely visiting the solarium.

  • Even tan

Uniform application tool helps to acquire a tan. Cosmetics for tanning helps produce melanin Which foods contain melanin - skin care  Which foods contain melanin - skin care
   - Pigment, which is produced in the skin and provides the appearance of a tan.

  • Humidification

When applying tanning products, you do not moisturize the skin and give it to dry. Using tanning dry skin, and cosmetics for tanning courting her.

  • Prevention of premature aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance

Indoor tanning can cause premature aging of the skin. The use of creams and lotions to reduce the harmful effects of tanning and slows aging.

  • Protection from burns

Using tanning can cause burns similar to solar. Cosmetics for tanning will protect you from this.

 Cosmetics for tanning in a solarium - exclusively natural ingredients


Means for solarium differ from conventional sunscreens. Do not use the solarium creams and lotions from the sun, choose only a specialized makeup.

 Cosmetics for tanning in a solarium - exclusively natural ingredients

How to choose cosmetics for tanning

  • Use special tools when required to tanning - they provide a good tan and protect your skin. On the market there are many different types of tanning in a solarium. There is a means to the effect of pricking with bronzer effect, with anti-aging serum Anti-aging serum  Anti-aging serum
   or cooling. How to choose the one you need?
  • Determine your skin type. If you have dry skin, look for a moisturizing lotion (eg, containing hemp oil). If you are concerned about the signs of age, select anti-aging agent. Sunburn dehydrates the skin, even if you have oily skin, you must apply the means for tanning, to avoid drying.
  • You have light or dark skin? If you have fair skin (especially when combined with light eyes and hair), you are more likely to burn. In this case, you're better off spending less time in the tanning bed, and to enhance the action using cosmetics containing bronzers. If you have a dark skin and you tan easily, use a moisturizing cosmetics for tanning.
  • Find out the type of the solarium, where you want to apply. Many salons prohibit the use of certain suntan. The fact that some substances contained in cosmetics, can spoil a horizontal tanning acrylic coating. In the salons often prohibit the use of conventional means of tan and baby oil. Ask in the solarium, which want to see what they have restrictions.
  • Do you have special requirements to the means - for example, you have a tattoo or sensitive skin of the face. For all this, there are special funds for tanning. For example, a tattoo may fade in the solarium. Therefore, solariums offer funds with a high SPF, which is applied to the area of ​​the tattoo. If you have sensitive skin of the face, you will approach the small bottles of special cosmetics for tanning in a solarium with a low SPF protection.
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