• French perfume - a tradition of quality
  • Elite
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  • Aromas
  • The top ten
  • Leaders of sells

 French perfume Chanel N5 Bestseller

The constant leader of sales among the French perfume: an overview

Most people love perfume. It is not surprising that the French perfume industry annually earns about ten billion dollars. It is well known fact that there are spirits from time immemorial and they will have a long and happy fate: they will always please people, women and men will always seek to adorn themselves bizarre flavor, and the French perfumers will always be happy to give their fragrant composition humanity.

From year to year the same women's perfume still on the leading positions in the list of the most popular flavors. However, there is a tendency to reduce the demand for classical compositions. And yet, there are spirits that are enjoyed by many women and stars from the world-famous claim that they use only.

Of course, tastes differ, this rule applies to the selection of spirits. Some like astringent and persistent aromas, while others prefer muted, gentle, delicate composition. Adherence to those or other spirits remain for a long time and does not depend on the price, nor on any other factors. There are spirits, time-tested, and women love them does not fade over the years. They never get bored. It is interesting to know about spirits, much loved by women of all ages.

 French perfume - a tradition of quality - Bestseller

  • Chanel No.5 - truly a favorite among spirits. They were created by Coco Chanel in the early twentieth century. They are used by many celebrities, one of them - Marilyn Monroe. In an interview, she admitted that she is ready to bet that will never change, and these spirits will always be only Chanel No.5. Over the years, these spirits are a hit, and the reason is not only in love for them celebrities. Women love them can be explained by the classical formula and flavor stability of the composition.
 French perfumes best sellers L'heure Bleue
  French perfume Bestseller Creed Tubereuse Indiana
  • L'heure Bleue - this perfume by Guerlain appeared long before they were made up of other well-known and favorite female French composition. Being one of the oldest, these spirits are characterized by a sweet flavor, surprisingly transparent, and makes this song suitable for both young and mature ladies.
  • Creed Tubereuse Indiana - these spirits appeared in 1982 and since then has enjoyed great popularity among women, including very famous. Citrus note attached to these spirits sensuality. They enjoyed Madonna herself and many other famous women.
  • Bvlgari Pour Femme - one of the most original flavors from Bvlgari, established in 1992. It is ideal modern woman. In the composition includes a mixture of orange blossom and violets. These French perfume rich floral bouquet. It is their preferred Whitney Houston and continue to love many other celebrities.
 French perfume Bestsellers Bvlgari Pour Femme
  French perfume Bestsellers Christian Dior Eau de Dolce Vita
  • Christian Dior Eau de Dolce Vita - created in 1997 by Christian Dior fragrance different piercing citrus note and creates a unique sense of femininity. These spirits have a lot of admirers, in particular, one of them is Kristin Scott Thomas.

Yet, the choice is yours, because every woman is ready to choose what you like and suits her. The foregoing review of French perfume is intended to give some guidance and help choose the best flavor.

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Article Tags:
  • Women's perfume
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