paraffin facials
 Paraffin as a means of beauty care has gained popularity in the sixties of the last century. But the wax used in traditional medicine since the days of the Roman Empire. It cleans the pores, reduces wrinkles, moisturizes and helps the person to relax.

 Paraffin facials - the effect of relaxation and hydration

Use wax

Paraffin and apparatus for melting it can be bought in a specialized cosmetic store. It is believed that the wax masks for different wax for candles. It can also be melted and at home in a water bath.

It is possible to add a few drops of essential oil of your choice. For skin will be especially useful essential oils of rosemary, lavender, lemon and orange. Moreover, in paraffin oil was added to soften the effect of the temperature and enhance the skin softening effect. In half a kilogram of wax added to one hundred grams of vegetable oil. The wax can not add funds for water-based.

Paraffin by itself does not give special cosmetic effects, but it increases several times the mask, cream or whey, to which it is applied.

Before applying wax to the face is applied to the skin layer of gauze. Gauze protect the skin from possible burns, but allow nutrients and heat to penetrate deeper into the skin. You can also cut out gauze mask and plunge it into her paraffin, and only then apply gauze, paraffin mask on the face. But sometimes coated with paraffin directly to the skin. It is primarily concerned with masks for hands, feet and elbows. Then the wax acts as a moisturizer, cleanser, warming and soothing agent. It is applied using a broad brush or spatula. When the wax cools, it hardens and using gauze mask is easy to remove. The remains are washed away wax.

 Paraffin facials - the effect of relaxation and hydration

Properties paraffin

Paraffin has a high heat capacity and can retain heat for a long time. Heat the wax opens the pores of the skin. The heat causes the skin to sweat, it softens and purifies. This action allows you to get rid of stubborn blackheads and pimples. The more layers of wax, the longer retain heat. Moreover, it is important to maintain the integrity of each layer before applying the next. The thicker the resulting paraffin mantle, the easier it will be to remove.

Heat the wax improves the complexion thanks to the expansion of the vessel walls and blood flow to the face. In addition, the skin becomes very soft and moisturized.

Since paraffin good saves and transfers the heat, it is often used to relieve pain. Paraffin successfully relaxes the facial muscles.

Paraffin mask provides deep hydration of the skin. Before applying wax is applied to clean skin moisturizing or nourishing cream, funds from collagen and elastin. The heat paraffin, these lotions maximum depth and effectively act on the skin.

Paraffin mask helps emotional relaxation. Especially popular paraffin mask in cold climates, and among pregnant women and the elderly, who sometimes suffer from cramps or excessive muscle tension in the face.

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