 The beauty and value of platinum is perfectly emphasizes the significance of any importance in human life celebrations: wedding, engagement, anniversary or anniversary, a birthday or just a date of some memorable and dear to the heart of the event. Platinum - one of the rarest metals mined on the ground, to date, only a few places on the planet can boast this unique deposits of precious metal.

History platinum eventful, filled with legends and noble deeds done for the sake of its beauty and splendor. According to historians, three thousand years ago the ancient Egyptians were already familiar with platinum. Nine years later, the South American Incas discovered platinum. The first platinum jewelry appeared in Europe around 1780, in France, at the court of Louis XVI.

Paradoxically, but in spite of the centuries-old history of platinum for the manufacture of jewelry, it is used only during the last two centuries. Platinum - an ancient metal, but at the same time young and modern

 Platinum - the most precious metal in the world

What is so remarkable platinum

What it attracts jewelers and lovers of precious metals? The fact that platinum - the most valuable, pure and rare metal of all precious metals, its exquisite brilliance perfectly the elegance and style for both men and women.

  • Durability

Its strength allows us to consider platinum one of the most durable and resistant metals, in addition, its weight is 60% more per carat gold. This metal is ideal for the manufacture of jewelry that can be worn for years, because even with daily wear platinum practically erased and the weight of jewelry is not reduced.

  • Cleanliness

Imported jewelry made of platinum containing 90 to 95% pure platinum. The difference is immediately evident if we compare the gold in 18 carat pure gold in which only 75% or 14 carat gold, where the gold is 58%. Platinum - a hypoallergenic metal, which virtually fades with time.

  • Rarity

 To produce one ounce platinum need to process about 10 tons of ore. For comparison - to extract an ounce of gold only three tons. The rarity and complexity of production significantly increase the prestige and value of platinum in the world market of precious metals.

  • Shine

Perfect white light platinum complements diamonds and other precious stones. The neutral color of this metal increases the depth and brilliance of all the precious mineral.

  • Mode

Refined beauty and refined elegance of platinum jewelry has won the hearts of millions of people, their magnificence and diversity can not fail to amaze. Often, platinum jewelery is present 18-karat gold, which is attached to the ring or pendant interesting, sophisticated and fashionable image.

 Platinum - the most precious metal in the world

Jewellery made of platinum

 Many designers and craftsmen jewelry discovered platinum as the most suitable metal for combination with diamonds and other precious gems. The strength of this metal allows you to wear jewelry made of platinum for many years, platinum rim perfectly protects the stone from damage, enhances its shine and beauty. It is for this reason that the world's most famous diamonds, such as the Hope and Koh-Nord and Jonker first signed in platinum. Platinum at one time admired by many jewelers of world renown, the famous Russian jeweler Faberge jewelry masterpieces created by French Louis Cartier and many other well-known masters.

Selecting a gem - just part of a complex, but very interesting and enjoyable process of selection of jewelry. Equally important is the bezel and mount the stone in this issue platinum is also a leader due to its durability and reliability. Jewelry made of platinum last you a very long time and not lose their luster and beauty. Classic design not subject to the whims of changing fashion, always remaining a sign of the continuing relevance of elegance and style.

Rings and rings platinum engagement or as a wedding ring - a beautiful choice, which tend more and more couples who appreciate a refined brilliance, elegance and practicality of this metal.

Girl's best friend - diamonds, as sung in a popular song, and nothing will emphasize the radiance of a diamond and will not protect him better than the rim of a strong and durable platinum. Magnificent diamonds shine in combination with timeless elegance of platinum ideal for a wedding ring - a symbol of eternal love and devotion.

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  • platinum
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