error by using cosmetics
 It's hard to throw away cosmetics, which is so accustomed to use - especially if the new cost is much more expensive. According to a recent study, 35% of women use cosmetics overdue just to save money - even if you are well aware of all the risks associated with expired. However, the use of expired cosmetics - is not the only mistake made by women in the care of the skin.

 The most common mistakes when using cosmetics

Error: underline liner extension century

If you apply eyeliner eye on those areas where it picks up moisture, it will have to throw away much faster. In most cases, the expiry date and a pencil and liquid eye liner is about two years, but the humidity stimulates the growth and reproduction of bacteria. In addition, this error can lead to more serious consequences - scoring tear glands, cosmetics can cause redness, inflammation, and pain.

 The most common mistakes when using cosmetics

Error: mascara more than six months ago

In addition to drying and the formation of lumps in the brush, old mascara can cause far more serious problems - such as eye infections. Bottle of old mascara - perfect breeding ground for bacteria that cause unpleasant eye infections such as conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis  Conjunctivitis
 . This is due to the fact that the basis of any liquid mascara provides rapid growth and reproduction of bacteria. According to the manufacturer, the shelf life of mascara is 3 to 6 months.

 The most common mistakes when using cosmetics

Error: no care applicators

Lovers of cosmetics in any case we should not forget about such an important task as the regular care of brushes and applicators for applying make-up: to avoid the risk of infection, they should be washed regularly. Since cosmetic brushes and applicators are in direct contact with the skin, they remain and cosmetic particles, and bacteria and the cells of the skin - all again transferred to the skin with repeated use of the applicator. Wash your brushes and applicators is necessary every few months using a conventional shampoo.

 The most common mistakes when using cosmetics

Error: applying makeup with your fingers

A fairly common method of applying liquid foundation makeup base - is applying makeup with your fingers. In fact, this method is not only effective, but also safe for health: bacteria that collects on the skin of the hands and under the fingernails, eventually find themselves in the most favorable conditions for the reproduction - in an opaque bottle with a liquid cosmetics. It therefore applied tonal foundation makeup should always be only a sponge, which, in turn, should be washed regularly in warm soapy water.

 The most common mistakes when using cosmetics

Error: cotton sheets

Nourishing creams and serums for the night skin care is certainly effective, but sometimes the cause of insufficient actions such cosmetics is ... cotton sheets. Coarse cotton prevents the absorption of cosmetics into the skin, so it is best to change the cotton pillowcases silk linens Silk - a legacy of the Yellow Emperor  Silk - a legacy of the Yellow Emperor
   - Is much more gentle contact with the skin than cotton.

 The most common mistakes when using cosmetics

Error: too frequent change of cosmetics

According to a study conducted by the cosmetic brand RoC, in the UK alone each year women spend about 400 million pounds on cosmetics, which cease to use after only a few applications. However, too frequent changes of cosmetics can cause the skin becomes dull and too sensitive. Dermatologists recommend using one and the same cosmetic product for at least five weeks (of course, in cases where non-irritating cosmetics). This is the period required in order to assess the effectiveness of cosmetics.

 The most common mistakes when using cosmetics

Error: excess cosmetics

Using a large amount of cosmetics not only make it more effective, but also will have a devastating effect on the natural process of skin renewal. Particularly vulnerable delicate skin around the eyes - because of excess cosmetics in these areas before all lines appear and skin becomes swollen.

 The most common mistakes when using cosmetics

Error: the abuse of scrubs

Exfoliation - the fastest and easiest way to make your skin smooth and soft, but the abuse of scrubs leads to the opposite result: the skin becomes dry, red, inflamed. Moreover, all too often destroys the natural exfoliation of the skin barrier, making it more vulnerable to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and as a result, premature aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance

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